
Monday, October 06, 2008

Searches: Belkis Gonzales, Linda Boom, born-alive babies, and more

  • Belkis Gonzalez: Owner of a seedy abortion mill in Miramar, Florida. Busted on two felony counts related to illegal abortions.

  • Linda Boom: Wisconsin school teacher who died in 1995 from complications of a safe and legal saline abortion she'd undergone because she'd learned that her baby had Down syndrome. Click here for a radio broadcast in which a father remembers his son with Down syndrome.

  • Born alive babies: I have stories here and here, and there's a fairly recent case here. There's a collection of other stories, with pictures, here. Other kids include Ximena Renearts, Phoenix Doe, Baby Rowan, and Baby Claire (pictured, with her older sister). Hear Barack Obama say for himself why he opposes mandating care for these babies:

  • Coathanger abortion: Powerful image, but how true to life?

  • Self abortions: Some fatal ones are here. To get more of a medical and social context, see 19th Century Abortion Cases and Other Self-Injury

  • Women's Clinic Baton Rouge: I have Delta Women's Clinic of Baton Rouge, which is a pretty seedy place. Ingar Weber died after an abortion at Delta in 1990. Sheila Hebert died after an abortion there in 1984. Delta's abortionist, James Whitmore III, lost his license to practice medicine in 2002. The board had found Whitmore guilty of disregarding basic santitation, being rude to patients, and failing to provide proper care to a woman whose uterus he had perforated during an abortion. The woman ended up needing a hysterectomy.

  • Abortion videos: I have an excellent collection of abortion videos here.

  • 13-week fetus -- and 20-week fetus.

  • Abortion 1968: I have Stella Saenz, who died from a safe and legal abortion in 1968. Nancy Ward's fatal 1968 abortion was retroactively declared legal, and presumably it was rendered safe and Nancy restored to life, since only the bad, illegal kind of abortion is deadly.

  • Mayfair Clinic Colorado: the National Abortion Federation member that failed to properly resusciate Christi Stile, leaving her in permanently incapacitated:

  • Fetus after abortion: Not a pretty sight.

  • Abortion in the 1920s: Here are the death cases I have: Margaret Marts, 1920; Jennie Chubb, 1921; Iva Triplett, 1921; Virginia Rappe (pictured), 1921; Mary Cybulski, 1922; Lillian Hulbert, 1922; Louise Huse, 1922; Veronica Maslanka, 1922; Carrie McDonald, 1922; Irene Michaelson, 1922; Beulah Pickerill, 1922; Margaret Sullivan, 1922; Annie Allison, 1923; Mary Federowicz, 1923; Emma Herrod, 1923; Alice Johnson, 1923; Sophia Martozinski, 1923; Mollie Monilson, 1923; Lydia Nelson, 1923; Lauretta Schranz, 1923; Daisy Singerland, 1923; Catherine Stange, 1923; Mary Sudik, 1923; Agnes Wendt, 1923; Madelyn Anderson, 1924; Mildred Bleschke, 1924; Selma Hedlund, 1924; Helen Koss, 1924; Etta Marcus, 1924; Agnes Nazar, 1924; "Patsy" Roe, 1924; Elizabeth Strazdas< 1924; Anna Strazynski, 1924; Elizabeth Strobel, 1924; Mary Whitney, 1924; Helen Bain, 1925; Jean Cohen, 1925; Agnes Crowe, 1925; Della Davis, 1925; Betty Fisher, 1925; Anna Kick, 1925; Lottie Lowy, 1925; Bridget Masterson, 1925; Faye McGinnis, 1925; Nina Pierce, 1925; Kate Radochouski, 1925; Mary Sayers, 1925; Katarzyna Tobiasz, 1925; Elizabeth Welter, 1925; Mary Williams< 1925; Gertrude Wynants, 1925; Margaret Zito, 1925; Alice Annalora, 1926; Mary Bailek, 1926; Lillian McCullough, 1926; Edith Green, 1926; Alberta Handy, 1926; Ethel Hoer, 1926; Jeanette Jarrett, 1926; Louise Maday, 1926; Mary Morehead, 1926; Margaret Muscia, 1926; Mary Paradowski, 1926; Sophie Peterson, 1926; Emily Mueller, 1926; VIctoria Smith; 1926; Fern Strecker, 1926; Willie Walker, 1926; Anna Welger, 1926; Auna Arola, 1927; Irene Campbell, 1927; Nancy Dawson, 1927; Loretta Enders, 1927; Shellane Franklin, 1927; Angerita Hargarten, 1927; Martha Kohnke, 1927; Florence Kruse, 1927; Arhne Reynolds< 1927; Lucille van Iderstine, 1927; Julia Agoston, 1928; Margaret Barnts, 1928; Anna Borndal, 1928; Rose Hannover, 1928; Mildred Jakobsen, 1928; Stefania Kwit, 1928; Catherine Mau, 1928; Eunice McElroy, 1928; Anna Mae Smith, 1928; Lucille Smith, 1928; Maud Thurmond, 1928; Esther Wahlstrom< 1928; Stella Wallenberg, 1928; Martha Washington, 1928; Louise Allman, 1929; Emmy Anderson, 1929; Barbara Auer, 1929; Alline Brown, 1929; Virginia Clark, 1929; Violet Dianalana< 1929; Clara Duvall, 1929; Anna Fazio, 1929; Ruth Friedl, 1929; Winifred Garver, 1929; Agnes Johnson, 1929; Marjorie Johnson, 1929; Mary Kelly< 1929; Viola Koepping, 1929; Jennie Kuba, 1929; Elizabeth Palumbo, 1929; Frances Rogers, 1929; Dorothy Schultz, 1929; Fannie Shead< 1929; Mary Strugnall, 1929; Amelia Stumbras, 1929; Edna Vargo, 1929; Ruth Weir, 1929.

  • Lou Ann Herron: Bled to death after an abortion at Moshe Hachamovitch's seedy A to Z mill in Arizona.

  • Ectopic survival: Rare, but not unheard-of.

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