
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mom finds appropriate dumping ground for dead baby

HT: The BK Lounge

Dead infant found outside Winston-Salem Planned Parenthood

Somebody left a blue storage bin outside a Planned Parenthood. Staff found the bin at around 7 a.m. and called the cops, who investigated and found a dead baby, a white newborn girl.

Results of an autopsy are pending, so we don't know how the baby died or why the mother left her there.

What's ironic is the statement by a PP spokeswoman: "Our hearts and prayers go out to all involved in this tragic situation."

Lady, you work at Planned Parenthood. Dead Babies R Us. Not exactly a place that considers a dead baby to be a tragedy. A place, in fact, that considers a dead baby to be a fundamental right for every mother. Your staff there kill them up to 16 weeks gestation. And you'll refer mothers whose pregnancies are more advanced elsewhere to achieve the dead baby goal. You're about dead babies there. You advertise it.

And somebody dumped a dead baby on your doorstep.

Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide dispose of the bodies of nearly 900 babies every day. Why is this baby's body any different?


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    She knew right where to go-Dead Babies R Us.

  2. Whats tragic is that this women couldn't get the help she needed while she was pregnant to help her make a decision about her baby. Its tragic that she could be out there needing medical and mental health care. Its tragic that this still happens in the 21st century even though it was so common previously? I think this is why abortion is legal - otherwise we would have to return to foundling homes.

  3. Lil, had she killed the baby sooner, the baby would be just as dead. You're missing the point. PP is about dead babies. She dropped off a dead baby.

    Making abortion legal doesn't mean fewer dead babies. It just means you kill them when they're younger. What sort of improvement is that?

  4. Its more humane. I'd rather someone was killing a few week embryo in utero under medical supervision then killing the baby by leaving them somewhere to starve, die of cold/heat or have the mother strangle them.

  5. You assume, first of all, that it's a foregone conclusion that abortion ideation = dead baby eventually. Most abortion minded women, if given the chance, will bond with the baby and parent the child just fine.

    What would the dead baby ratio have to be for you to reconsider the "snuff them when they're small" mentality? Would finding out that you're aborting 10 babies for every one that would be abused tilt the scales in favor of giving the kid a chance? Or would it have to be aborting 100 babies in order to prevent one murdered newborn?

  6. You assume, first of all, that it's a foregone conclusion that abortion ideation = dead baby eventually. Most abortion minded women, if given the chance, will bond with the baby and parent the child just fine.

    What would the dead baby ratio have to be for you to reconsider the "snuff them when they're small" mentality? Would finding out that you're aborting 10 babies for every one that would be abused tilt the scales in favor of giving the kid a chance? Or would it have to be aborting 100 babies in order to prevent one murdered newborn?
