For some reason, searching for
abortion videos still doesn't bring you to the right page!
Of course, searching for
illegal abortions brings you mostly to abortion-advocacy pages lamenting how horrible things were in the
bad old days, when you'd
get a doctor to let you in through the back alley, compared to now, of course, where you go in the front door but can still
come out under a sheet. Of course, we all know
that only the illegal abortions were tragic.
Somebody wanted abortion teas, such as those
embraced by some women as natural and safe and gentle. They're also how
Kris Humphrey and
Penny Roe ended up killing themselves.
I'm not sure
this is the Mary Ives my searcher was looking for.

Somebody wanted Christine Bucklin,
one of the people who signed the Planned Parenthood petition, based
entirely upon a hoax, trying to get the government to go after pregnancy centers. (Pictured: the prolife center that supposedly looked so much like a Planned Parenthood that poor, hapless women were going into it by mistake.) I don't know how ironic Christine was being when she added the comment, "Deception is not a respectable practice." Why is it Planned Parenthood supporters so often express opposition to their favored organization's favorite pasttime? It's like joining a motorcycle gang and then complaining that Lance Armstrong's bicycle is too noisy.
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