A funeral will be held for Baby Shanice Denise Osbourne in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, next week, over 26 months after she was born alive during an abortion, shoved into a biohazard bag, and tossed on the roof of a Hialeah abortion mill to die.

Shanice's mother was at the facility for the second day of a multi-day abortion when she delivered her baby. According to a police affidavit, the baby's mother "observed the baby moving and gasping for air for approximately five (5) minutes. The staff began screaming that the baby was alive; at which time, Ms. Belkis Gonzalez cut the umbilical cord, threw it into a red bag with black printing. Ms. Gonzalez then swept the baby, with her hands, into the same red bag along with the gauze used during the procedure."
Gonzales then tossed the bag, with Shanice inside it, onto the clinic roof to conceal her body from the police. A clinic worker informed the police, who recovered the child's body.
An autopsy found that Shanice's lungs contained gas bubbles and floated, proving that she was alive and breathing before being stuffed into a biohazard bag and tossed onto the roof to die in the hot Florida sun.
Prolifers are hoping to see Gonzalez charged in the child's death. It is only due to their continued attention to the case that there was any investigation at all.
Shanice's funeral will be held on October 14 at 11 AM at Queen of Heaven Cemetery, 1500 S. State Road 7, in Ft. Lauderdale. The ceremony will be officiated by Rev. O'Neal Dozier. Former presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes will deliver the eulogy. The public is encouraged to attend.
Let's remember what Barack Obama said about providing medical care to babies like Shanice:
One more time, with feeling:
"[A]dding an additional doctor who then has to be called in an emergency situation to come in and make these assessments is really designed simply to burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion."

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