Friday, December 05, 2008

Abortion deaths in 1984

The Centers for Disease Control deigned to count the following abortion deaths in their most recent Abortion Surveillance Summary, for 2004:

Today I'll look at deaths in 1984. They count 12, all legal.

That said, we can look at the deaths I know of. I have 10 deaths:

  • Mickey Apodaca bled to death from an abortion performed while her abortionist was out on bail pending appeal of a murder conviction.

  • Patricia Chacon was one of a dozen women to die from abortions performed at National Abortion Federation member Family Planning Associates Medical Group.

  • Rita Goncalves died in 1984 from lingering complications of a safe, legal abortion performed in 1983.

  • Sheila Hebert was cold, blue, and lifeless by the time clinic staff called an ambulance for her.

  • Sandra Kaiser committed suicide by throwing herself into traffic after a secret abortion at a National Abortion Federation member clinic responsible for two other patient deaths.

  • Loretta Morton died of a pulmonary embolism (foreign matter in her bloodstream getting into her lungs) after her abortion.

  • Germain Newman was found dead on the bathroom floor the morning after her abortion.

  • Mary Pena bled to death at the same NAF chain that killed Patricia Chacon.

  • Yvonne Tanner was one of half a dozen women to die at Inglewood Women's Clinic.

  • Sandra Williams collapsed and died from an embolism 12 hours after her safe, legal abortion.

    It's interesting to note that 3 of the 10 deaths I know of that year were at National Abortion Federation member facilities. NAF is supposedly the cream of the crop, held to the highest standards of professionalism and safety:

    Hey, prochoicers! You can't just send women into that National Abortion Federation clinic assuming that they mean what they say about standards and safety. Prochoicers? Prochoicers!

    For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

    For more abortion deaths broken down by year, see this post.

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