Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tell me this isn't motivated by hatred of fetuses

I've blogged today about the newest attack on pro-life pregnancy centers. The people who are launching the attack claim that they're just protecting women from false advertising. But they have no beef whatsoever with abortion clinics that promise safety and deliver death. If it was false advertising, lying to vulnerable women, that bothered them, they'd be after the National Abortion Federation, guns blazing, banners flying, taking no prisoners.

You can't convince me that this is not motivated by a hatred of fetuses that is so strong that these people prefer a dead woman to a live fetus. What other possible motive can they have? It can't be concern for women, because if they were concerned about women they'd be holding NAF's feet to the fire, trying to close down dangerous and seedy abortion mills. But they save their venom for those who offer women hope instead of despair.

There is no way, no way that these people can have an ounce of compassion for frightened, pregnant women. If they cared about women, their hearts would be broken over what happens to women who trust abortion clinics, women who end up maimed, incapacitated, or dead. But these tragedies do not touch them. If they cared, they'd do something about it.

And what further enrages me is that prochoice citizens just nod, "Yup, yup, yup!" like a bunch of bobble-head dolls. How can you look at where these people place their priorities, and think, "Oh, they care about women!" How can you think that?! How can you look at people who defend dangerous quacks, and believe that they care if women live or die?

(Achromic, I know you're the exception. But pro-choicers like you are few and far between, and certainly aren't blogging about this!)

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