Thursday, September 12, 2024

California Post-Birth Abortions

The "moderators" in the Trump/Harris debate claimed that it's not legal in California to kill abortion survivors. The text of the law begs to differ:

"Assembly Bill No. 2223 CHAPTER 629 SEC. 7. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero."

This makes it legal to do anything you want to a baby that survives an abortion attempt. So as long as you START the abortion before the baby comes out, you're allowed to finish it afterwards.

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