Sunday, September 01, 2024

The Abortion Ad Trump Should Do: Fatal Fetal Indications

Please feel free to lift from this script to do your own version of the ad Trump should be making. This message needs to get out. Just please, provide a linkback.

Best if you have Trump's voice in your head when you read this.

So many times a woman is pregnant, a loved and wanted baby, and she gets bad news. Tragic news. There's something wrong with the baby. Her baby is going to die if not before birth, soon after birth. The worst news a family can get, worst possible news. And there is help for those families. It's called perinatal hospice. Perinatal hospice.

We all know what hospice is. Many of us, we've been with loved ones as they received hospice care. It's medical care when it's appropriate. It's pain management. It's emotional support. It's somebody staying beside you through this tragic, difficult situation. We all know hospice. We all love hospice; it's a beautiful thing at a terrible time.

Perinatal means the time around birth, shortly before birth and shortly after birth. So perinatal hospice, it's just what it sounds like. The baby has a medical team that works with the family. During the pregnancy, during the delivery, after the delivery, even after the baby passes. They put the family in touch with other families who have had the same situation, the same tragic situation, so they have somebody there for them that really understands them, really understands their needs. They make a birth plan. All based on what's best for the baby and the family. Do they deliver the baby early? Do they do a C-section? What care should the baby have after he's born? Maybe the baby needs medical care, maybe the baby needs comfort care. Hospice care for those babies and those families. The situation, it's tragic, very tragic. But the care, it's beautiful. A beautiful thing, to walk beside a family like that at such a difficult time. Sometimes the baby dies naturally before birth, very sad, and they deliver the baby so the family can say their goodbyes. Sometimes the baby dies during birth, again, very sad. The family can hold the baby and have a chance to say goodbye. And sometimes the baby survives, and that baby gets comfort and love. That baby is surrounded by love. Every moment of that baby's life is cherished. Every moment of that baby's life he knows what it is to be loved.

And sometimes, sometimes something wonderful happens. The baby isn't as sick as the doctors thought. Maybe the baby has some problems, but they're not so bad. The baby needs support. The family needs support. We want families to have that support. And sometimes something even more wonderful happens. The doctors were totally wrong. We all know times a doctor was wrong, sometimes totally wrong. Sometimes the doctor is totally wrong, and the family goes home with a healthy baby. A beautiful thing.

But some doctors, they don't offer perinatal hospice. Maybe they're ignorant, maybe. Maybe they just don't want to spend all that time with the family in such a difficult situation. They want the whole thing to be over as quickly as possible. Then the doctor goes about his life as if none of this ever happened. To him it's like it never happened. But the woman can't the family can't just move on like that. Whatever the outcome, this is going to be with them every day for the rest of their lives. And these doctors, they push for abortion. Often they don't use the word, they don't say abortion. They say, "terminate the pregnancy." But they mean terminate the baby, because the pregnancy can terminate with a live baby, but only if the doctor offers perinatal hospice. If the doctor only offers to "terminate the pregnancy," there can only ever be a dead baby, And the way those babies die -- my heart breaks for these families, who trusted these doctors and were told that "termination of pregnancy" was merciful for the baby. They sometimes find out afterwards, after it's too late, how these abortions are done. I won't describe them because it's horrible, horrible. That baby dies a horrible death, never even for one breath knowing that he was loved. Never being held or comforted. That chance is taken away from that baby. It's taken away from that family. And if the doctors were wrong it was a healthy baby, a healthy baby that died in that horrible way. My heart breaks for those families, such a sad thing to find out, find out when it's too late.

But the Democrats, they take advantage of these tragedies. Why? Because they love abortion. Love it. Don't believe me? Just look at them.  Outside the Democrat convention, what were the Democrats doing? Bringing in a bus to do free abortions. Like a door prize, come get your free abortion. Just sign up on the website, get a free abortion. Outside the Democrat convention. And other Democrats outside the convention, they were dancing around, dressed up like abortion pills. Dancing because they love abortion. But most Americans, they don't love abortion. They don't love it. Even the ones who think abortion should be legal and available, they don't love it.  

So when the Dobbs decision came down -- I put those justices on the Supreme Court, the justices that said Roe vs Wade was a bad decision. Very bad. The Dobbs decision overturned that very bad decision. Dobbs said that the states could decide. Voters in every state could decide. And by doing that, this means that there needs to be public discussion, public debate. They need to talk about abortion. They need to talk about perinatal hospice. They need to talk about these cases, such tragic cases, where these babies die the most tragic deaths, not merciful at all even if that's what the parents were told. Maybe in some states, the voters think it's okay to abort a baby because he has a disability or an ailment, and that it's worth risking aborting a perfectly healthy baby, a healthy baby, because that's better than risking a live baby with a disability. I don't think most Americans think that way. I don't think they consider healthy babies to be acceptable collateral damage in a war against sick babies, disabled babies. But Dobbs said they're free to decide. Should doctors be required to offer perinatal hospice? Should families be allowed to sue for wrongful death if they end up aborting a healthy baby because they were told the baby was dying? Should doctors be allowed to just ship women off to the abortion clinic because they don't feel like walking beside her through her tragic situation? So many things that need to be decided. Discussed and decided by the voters.

We're going to encourage people to get out and learn about how the abortion lobby has captured the Democrat party. Totally captured it. Putting politics ahead of women, ahead of babies, ahead of families. We need to end the abortion lobby's grip on the Democrat party. We need for ordinary Americans to be building the kind of society we want, where we help families welcome their babies, even if the situations are tragic, very tragic. And we can't be providing that help to families as long as the Democrat party is in the grip of the abortion lobby, people who don't truly care about the women. They just love abortion because that's what they sell. Abortion.

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