Friday, March 14, 2025

March 14, 2004: A Lingering Death

Dr. Youl Choi

Nina Gaston was 27 years old when she went to Dr. Youl Choi's facility in Michigan for a safe, legal abortion on January 2, 1988. 

According to a lawsuit later filed on her behalf, Choi's clinic did not have proper emergency equipment on site. Staff did not properly monitor Nina while administering a paracervical block for the abortion. She went into cardiac arrest. 

Staff failed to detect the cardiac arrest in a timely manner, then did not have the necessary skills or equipment to perform CPR properly. They did not intubate Nina or use oxygen. Even worse, they stopped their efforts to resuscitate Nina before emergency services arrived. 

As a result of these failures, Nina was left comatose in a nursing home, where she remained for 16 years until her death at the age of 44 on March 14, 2004.

Choi had also performed the fatal abortion on Angel Dardie.

Other women who lingered in care facilities for years after abortion injuries include:

  • Susanne Logan, who languished, mute and paralyzed, for three years until her death on December 1, 1992
  • Venus Ortiz, who remained in a vegetative state for five years until her death in 1998.
  • Shelby Moran, who was cared for in a nursing home for over 20 years until her death on September 16, 1999
  • "Gabriella Alonso," who spent six years in a coma until her death in the summer of 2002
  • Christi Stile, who spent nearly 22 years in a vegetative state until her death on March 29, 2015

Source: Georgette Baker vs. Youl Choi

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