- "Jury hears Showery's side," El Paso Times, October 29, 1981: Showery calls polygraph examiner to testify that he tested as truthful
- "Doctor indicted in fetus death," El Paso Times, December 19, 1981
- "El Paso doctor indicted on fetus murder charge," El Paso Times, December 19, 1981: Born alive July 31, 1979. No body. Showery blames news coverage for indictment. Covers charges unqualified staff, fee discrepancies, falsified pregnancy test results, etc.
- "Showery is indicted in death of infant," El Paso Herald Post, December 19, 1981: Baby weighed about three pounds.
Other possible born-alive infants
- "Frozen fetus was 6 1/2 months old," El Paso Times, April 5, 1981: A reporter got hold of a fetus from Family Hospital. The medical examiner said that though lung tissue floated, he attributed this to decomposition and not a live birth. Showery adamantly denied doing abortions past 20 weeks.
- "Ex-hospital worker testifies against Showery," El Paso Time, October 7, 1981: Bookkeeper/receptionist said another employee reported living survivor put in plastic bag; employee cried and said bag was moving; Raymond Showery removed bag from premises.
- "Practices at hospital questioned," El Paso Times, October 7, 1981: Issues including viable infant surviving abortion and placed in garbage bag
- "License revocation hearings set," El Paso Herald-Post, November 28, 1981: Issues including born-alive infant placed in plastic bag
Disciplinary Actions
- "State medical examiners open investigation of Showery case," El Paso Herald, April 2 1981
- "Showery agrees to abandon his part in Family Hospital," El Paso Herald Post, October 7, 1981
- "Hospital deals stirring," El Paso Herald-Post, October 8, 1981
- "Medical examiners postpone Showery hearing," El Paso Times, October 25, 1981: Record-keeping for narcotics, dirty conditions, removal of fetus from hospital in a plastic bag.
- "License revocation hearings set," El Paso Herald-Post, November 28, 1981: Record keeping of narcotics plus criminal issues including born-alive infant placed in plastic bag
- "Board gives EP doctor short suspension, long probation," El Paso Times, December 2, 1981: License suspended for three months after admitting failure to keep adequate records of drugs he prescribed. Ten-year probation with requirements that he keep adequate prescription records, not right prescriptions for narcotics except for use at his abortion practice, only delivery babies in certified hospitals, sell his license to operate the hospital. This was essentially a plea-bargain with the Board.
- "Showery gets suspension, long probation," El Paso Times, December 2, 1981: Ten-year license suspension delayed until January 1 to give employees chances to find other work. Check in with medical board every six months. Planned to run abortion clinic in hospital building until he could find another location. Showery's lawyer complained that 10 agents searching the office was excessive; state noted that Showery had reputation as dangerous and violent and had once pulled a pistol on an El Paso police detective. Drugs of the types Showery couldn't account for were sold on the streets.
- "Showery hospital examined," El Paso Herald-Post, April 21, 1981
- "Agents count pills, examine records at Family Hospital," El Paso Times, April 22, 1981: Started out as minor discrepancies; Showery said he welcomed the inspection because it would show nothing serious
- "Texas spurns EP doctor's deal," El Paso Times, December 1, 1981: Also notes that Showery's excuse for all the expired drugs was that they were there when he bought the building.
- "Medical examiners hear Showery case," El Paso Herald-Post, December 1, 1981: Related to drug irregularities at Showery's hospital
- "Showery's attorney discredits evidence," El Paso Herald-Post, December 2, 1981: Showery's lawyer argued that there was no evidence that drugs from Shower's hospital were ever sold on the streets.
- "Planned Parenthood shuns Family Hospital" El Paso Times, April 5, 1981: Showery approached Reproductive Services asking for 2nd trimester referrals; counseling supervisor toured Family Hospital, found inadequate counseling, unlicensed nurses, fee discrepancies, and poor treatment of patients. Observed "nuisance charge" of $50 for patients who bring companion, and "If they are good girls I'll give it back."
- "Family Hospital used unqualified staff (start)," El Paso Times, April 8, 1981: Staff report changing expectations of their duties and scope of care. Employees delivered babies on their own when Showery wasn't present. Woman who was planning to go to nursing school applied for receptionist position but was put on duty as a nurse aide. Unclear if Showery had a backup physician. Performing C-sections assisted only by OR tech and two more more "nurse aids." Horrifying story of patient's bowels coming out during C-section. Doctor critiquing this appalling staffing. Coverage of how lax Texas hospital licensing was.
- "Family Hospital used unqualified staff (end)," El Paso Times, April 8, 1981: Only trained ultrasonographer had quit, so OR tech did ultrasounds. Showery tended to hire young Mexican-American women who high school education and little or no health care background; sometimes hired illegal immigrants who would not cause trouble for Showery because they fear deportation. Hospital seems to be staffed only by cleaning women on weekends. Meat patties for patients kept in freezer with frozen placentas that would be sold to cosmetic companies. Hospital would hire RN to have one on the books but she'd only come in a few hours a week. A cleaning woman once delivered a baby because nobody with medical training was available. Counselors would dispense birth control pills according to the patient's weight. Unqualified staff did Pap smears, pelvic exams, determination of fetal age.
"Father and son run Family Hospital," El Paso Times, April 8, 1981: Showery put the hospital in his son Roger's name and put him in charge though a year earlier he had just been a part-time maintenance man. Roger (pictured), then a 22-year-old University of Texas student with no declared major, was unable to articulate his duties or why he was put in sole legal charge of managing the hospital.Roger Showery - "Workers claim some wages weren't paid," El Paso Times, April 8, 1918: Employees expected to work free during "indoctrination training" week when first hired. Former employee sued, claiming she'd been stiffed on her wages.
- "Doctor still practices despite investigations," El Paso Times, April 26, 1981: Investigation into falsified pregnancy test results, deaths of babies surviving late abortions, serious documentation issues, inadequate counseling, unqualified workers, mismanagement of controlled substances.
- "Hospital may lose license," El Paso Post-Herald, July 22, 1981: Allegations that Showery performed major surgery while under the influence, lied to women to sell abortions, failed to maintain records, failed to properly staff and equip the hospital, had no back-up physician.
- "Complaint asks state to revoke hospital license," El Paso Times, July 23, 1981: Health official alleges illegal activities, dirty conditions.
- "Doctor puzzled by attempt to revoke hospital's license," El Paso Herald-Post, July 23, 1981: Showery says hospital is "one of the cleanest places in town." Allegations vacuum machine not functioning properly. Patient's mom praises Showery, says he's being picked on because of his personality.
- "Grand jury subpoenas Showery," El Paso Herald-Post, July 29, 1981: Showery attorney says subpoena unnecessary; Showery transparent and willing to cooperate
- "Judge suspends jurors' request for doctor's files," El Paso Times, September 10, 1981: Grand jury wanted all patient records for hysterectomy and hysterotomy (major abdominal surgery) abortions March 1, 1978 - January 1, 1981; along with a sweeping batch of other records; Shower's attorneys said this was too broad, violated patient privacy, and potentially made patients into co-defendants.
- "Hearing starts Oct. 6 on Family Hospital," El Paso Time, September 12, 1981
- "Witness claims hospital lacked licensed nurses," El Paso Herald Post, October 6, 1981
- "Practices at hospital questioned," El Paso Times, October 7, 1981: Keeping insurance reimbursements, dirty conditions, mistreatment of newborn infants, lack of full-time nurses, no back-up physician, viable infant surviving abortion and placed in garbage bag

"Nothing to hide" series in El Paso Times
- April 5, 1981 page 1: "Complaints plague Family Hospital (start);" "Glossary of terms"
- April 5, 1981 page 2: "Complaints plague Family Hospital (end)"
- April 5, 1981 page 3: "Planned Parenthood shuns Family Hospital;" "Abortion has many dangers;" "Woman brought baby's head to hospital in milk carton"
- April 5, 1981 page 4: "2 abortions, 1 nightmare;" "Frozen fetus was 6 1/2 months old;" "Abortion's aftermath may prevent future children"
- April 6, 1981 page 1: "Times reporter told to get abortion quickly (start);" "Glossary of terms;" "Doctor ordered pregnancy tests falsified workers say (start)"
- April 6, 1981 page 2: "Test results were wrong: 2 'patients' weren't pregnant;" "Doctors can't agree which test is best;" "Times reporter told to get abortion quickly (end);" "Doctor ordered pregnancy tests falsified workers say (end)"
- April 7, 1981 page 1: "Doctor exhibits a complex past (start)" Notes childhood poverty, medical studies, and time as chauffeur, teacher, Navy surgeon, and pro wrestler called The Chinese Bandit.
- April 7, 1981 page 2: "Much more than a day in court" (covers Showery's troubled history); "Leigh, 19, had two abortions at Family Hospital. She now suspects she was not pregnant in either instance;" "Doctor exhibits a complex past (end)"
- April 8, 1981 page 1: "Family Hospital used unqualified staff (start)," "Glossary of terms"
- April 8, 1981 page 2: "Father and sun run Family Hospital," Family Hospital used unqualified staff (end)"
- April 8, 1981 page 3: "Workers claim some wages weren't paid"

- "Judge denies delay in physician's trial," El Paso Times, March 27, 1981
- "Medical records were 'apparently lost,'" El Paso Times, March 31, 1981
- "Witness admits lying in fund misuse trial," El Paso Times, March 31, 1981: Sylvia Sanchez said that she'd lied under oath because she'd still been working for him and didn't want to lose her job. Decided to come clean for several reasons. Showery had billed the insurance company for hospital services for the outpatient abortion; his lawyer said that she'd had a semi-private room for the few hours she was there, along with anesthesia and a hospital gown. Showery would take the money up front from the patient then instead of having the insurance reimburse the patient he'd have the checks written out to him.
- "Showery takes stand in insurance retrial," El Paso Times, April 1, 1981: Notes that first trial on these charges ended in mistrial. Showery asserted he had merely kept money she owed for a second abortion after the first one he'd performed failed.
- "Showery case goes to jury," El Paso Herald-Post, April 1, 1981
- "Doctor found guilty of keeping refund," El Paso Times, April 2, 1981
- "El Paso doctor given two to four years," El Paso Times, April 11, 1981
- "Showery sentenced to prison," El Paso Times, October 10, 1981: Remained free on bond pending appeal
- "Showery remains free on bond," El Paso Herald-Post, October 13, 1981

Botched abortions on "Ida," insurance reimbursement patient
- "Witness admits lying in fund misuse trial," El Paso Times, March 31, 1981: Patient has been referred to Showery by the Mental Health - Mental Retardation Center crisis hotline. After failed abortion, "He told me he wasn't Sears and he didn't have to guarantee his work." After the second abortion she started passing fetal parts and was hospitalized for a week for suicidal depression.
- "2 abortions, 1 nightmare," El Paso Times, April 5, 1981: detailed account
Botched abortion on "Cora"
- "Abortion's aftermath may prevent future children," El Paso Times, April 5, 1981: Every week Cora worked on getting money together, Showery would raise the price $50. By the time she had $500, she was 20 weeks pregnant. She suffered a perforated bladder and a torn uterus. She required surgery, transfusions, and two days in intensive care. She might not ever be able to have children.
Other allegations against Showery
- "EP doctor charged in child placement," El Paso Times, March 11, 1981: Illegal adoption placement for cash; attorney said the $3,000 was to pay for the birth mother's medical bills at the hospital. Would be legal for mother to place child directly but not for Showery to be go-between without license.
- "Physician charged with attempted assault," El Paso Herald-Post, March 18, 1981: Reporters Edna Gunderson and Kathy Satterfield said that Showery attempted to run them off the road as they left an interview with Showery accusers
- "Doctor charged in attempt to assault Times reporters," El Paso Times, March 19, 1981: Arrested and released on $400 cash bond. Also mentions illegal adoption placement and failure to reimburse.
- "Crime may not pay, but justice certainly costs the public a lot," El Paso Herald-Post, April 30, 1981: Extimated cost $15,000 for trials for assault with a motor vehicle and illegal adoption because Showery got a change of venue to San Antonio.
- "Doctor's trials move to San Antonio," El Paso Times, May 1, 1981: Regarding allegations of unlicensed adoptions
- "Showery sues over land sale," El Paso Times, June 25, 1981: Lot showery owned to pay off debt over a lot of jewelry Showery didn't pay for

- "Grand jury subpoenas reporters," El Paso Times, April 8, 1981: Unclear why they were subpoenaed
- "Grand jury investigates Showery," El Paso Times, April 9, 1981: Reporter speculates Grand Jury wants to speak to her about her stories that Family Hospital told her she was pregnant when she wasn't, and about a 6 1/2 month fetus "that was made available to the reporters."
- "Showery case frustrates local doctors," El Paso Times, April 26, 1981: Rumors and concerns, explanations of procedures and polices regarding disciplinary action.
- "Showery leaves medical society," El Paso Times, April 28, 1981
- "Showery names himself trustee," El Paso Herald Post, May 1, 1981 Related to mandated sale of hospital
- Letter to the editor, El Paso Herald Post, May 9, 1981: Showery's attorney correcting story about change of venue
- "Showery sues Hotel Dieu to halt meeting on privileges," El Paso Times, July 1, 1981

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