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Attorney Al Gerhardstein, who is representing Planned Parenthood in the case, was on vacation today, but told The Enquirer earlier this month: "We have no problem with any scrutiny because Planned Parenthood has been a leader in establishing ways to follow the law."
In November 1999, Pasadena abortionist Kevin Paul Anderson strangled his business partner, neonatologist Dr. Deepti Gupta, a mother of two young children who was expecting her third. They were involved in an extramarital affair, and she was carrying his baby. In December 2000, Anderson was convicted of second-degree murder by a Pasadena jury. Kansas City, Missouri abortionist Lynn D. Weller was shot to death in his home in September 1973 by two masked gunmen who were hired by rival abortionist William Carlos. Carlos was angry that Weller was having an affair with his ex-wife. Marc Eason was a vocal pro-abortionist who worked at the Dadeland abortion clinic in Miami. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole for the ax-murders of his two roommates. Eason claimed the murders were "justifiable homicide" because the roommates had "complained about his sloppiness." Abortionist John Gwynne was convicted of the first-degree murder of his nineteen-year-old girlfriend. Prominent Oklahoma City abortionist John Baxter Hamilton (pictured) was having an affair with a topless dancer he had aborted, and his wife was considering leaving him. On Valentine's Day 2001, Hamilton choked his wife with a necktie, beat her over the head with a heavy blunt object hard enough to smash a hole in her skull, and then slammed her face repeatedly onto the floor. In December 2001, a jury convicted Hamilton of murdering his wife. Notorious Chicago abortion mill owner Kenneth "Creepy Kenny" Yellen literally died in the gutter after his gangland-style execution in November 1979, from five shots in the head as he walked to work. The primary suspect was Robin Dragin, a professional burglar with mob connections, who organized a Chicago abortion clinic that had been in competition with Yellin's operation.
And now you say you've got me out of your conscience
I've been flushed from the bathroom of your heart
In the garbage disposal of you dreams I've been ground up dear
Abortionist Sidney Knight got in trouble when the Department of Public Works reported that fetuses were disposed of by grinding them and flushing them into the sanitary sewer system. (Department of Public Works letter 12-29-89)
A July/August 1993 inspection of abortionist Lawson Akpolonu's clinic found that staff were flushing fetuses of less than five months down the toilet.
Former abortion entrepeneur Eric Harrah was fined after a Delaware plumber told investigators that he had installed an "industrial guage" garbage disposal at his Brandywine Valley Women's Center. Employees told investigators that they routinely flushed 8 to 20 week fetuses down the disposal. (Wilmington News Journal 12-3-94, 12-4-93, 12-15-93, 8-22-93, 4-16-94; Philadelphia Inquirer 7-11-93; State News 1-4-95)
Abortionist Lawson Akpulonu got in trouble after, among other things, the Medical Board found: "Employees were trained to dump tissue jars into the sink and run the contents through the garbage disposal." (Medical Board Accusation No. D-5286 OAH. No. L-63123)
When inspectors visited abortionist Lawson Akpolonu's clinic in August and September of 1991, they found that "Employees were trained to dump tissue jars into the sink and run the contents through the garbage disposal." Akpulonu's clinic remained open. A May 1993 inspection found that fetuses less than 18 to 24 weeks were flushed down the garbage disposal.
Abortionist Curtis Stover filed an affidavit stating that he vomited after observing abortionist James Park's method of disposing of aborted fetuses of 15 to 22 weeks gestation: he ground them up with a standard kitchen meat grinder and flushed the tissue down the sink. In a letter to the health department, Stover stated that Parks told him he had developed this method because the fetuses would "stop up" the toilet and because he did not want fetuses retrieved from the trash by pro-lifers. (Letter by Stover dated 6-15-92, affidavit by Stover dated 6-15-92; Up The Creek 9-11-92; excerpt from Parks' deposition 2-4-91 Arapahoe County District Court Case No. 90CV432)
I love to retell the story of Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., who spent a late evening in 1998 in an empty Senate chambers talking about partial-birth abortion, even though he knew President Clinton was going to veto the prohibition bill he was arguing for. It was a wasted night so far as he knew until he heard from a couple who were, in fact, flipping with the remote, hit C-SPAN and, to make a long story short: She didn't have the abortion she had scheduled, unbeknownst to her boyfriend, for the next day. They have a child today and are grateful to the Pennsylvania senator for their child.
Thursday morning, the folks at NARAL Pro-Choice America hold a press conference in downtown Washington to release a poll and a new message they swear will shake up—really, truly this time—the abortion debate. They're going to talk about responsibility.
It's a great idea. I've hounded Democrats for years to talk about responsibility. But great ideas can be dangerous. The last time NARAL invented a new message, it came back to bite them. In 1989, when their backs were against the wall, they repackaged abortion rights as an issue of getting the government out of the family. That message won over millions of pro-family, anti-government people. But the pro-family, anti-government people thought pro-family meant supporting parental notification laws and anti-government meant opposing government funding of abortions. Pro-choicers got beaten with their own words.
Is it about to happen all over again?
"Surprise or shock is often the initial reaction to the validation of pregnancy. Caplan (1959) indicated that initial rejection of pregnancy is common, but that it is generally followed by acceptance at the end of the first trimester." (Lederman, Psychosocial Adaptation in Pregnancy, 1984)
"Those who plead for an extensive relaxation of the law [against abortion] have no idea of the very many cases where a woman who, during the first three months, makes a most impassioned appeal for her pregnancy to be 'finished,' later, when the baby is born, is thankful indeed that it was not killed while still an embryo. During my long years in practice I have had many a letter of the deepest gratitude for refusing to accede to an early appeal." (A. Bourne, A Doctor's Creed: The Memoirs of a Gynecologist, 1963)"[Members of the 1955 Planned Parenthood conference on abortion] agreed, and this was backed up by evidence from the Scandinavians, that when a woman seeking an abortion is given the chance of talking over her problem with a properly trained and oriented person, she will in the process very often resolve many of her qualms and will spontaneously decide to see the pregnancy through, particularly if she is assured that supportive help will continue to be available to her." (Calderone, "Illegal Abortion as a Public Health Problem," American Journal of Public Health, July 1960)
Mary Calderone
"M.J. Daly has noted that the legitimately pregnant woman, and often those illegitimately pregnant too, are ambivalent to the pregnancy. This ambivalence is so universal that it may be considered normal in the first trimester. ("The Unwanted Pregnancy," Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1970." Cited in Gardner, Abortion: The Personal Dilemma, 1972)
"Ambivalence is another emotional response observed in many pregnant women. .... Surprise or shock may be the initial reaction, followed by very mixed feelings. .... Rubin believes that few women who become pregnant feel ready 'now.' .... Initial rejection of the pregnancy is common, Caplan states, but it is usually replaced by acceptance by the end of the first trimester." (Nichols and Humenick, Childbirth Education: Practice, Research, and Theory, 1988)
Investigators said the infants' 32-year-old mother confessed to killing them out of despair over her inability to pay the bills and fear that having a child might drive away her longtime male partner.
I'll believe that all these champions of women's rights actually care about the women in question when they start holding the National Abortion Federation accountable. Getting together and saying how glad they were to have had their abortions doesn't bring any of the women NAF members have killed back from the dead.
Lee said the state knew no abortion facility in the state was licensed as an ambulatory surgical facility or private hospital and thus the law would essentially ban all such second-trimester abortions.
He said the state's action made abortions "effectively unavailable in the state of Mississippi beyond the first trimester."
The Jackson Women's Health Organization, the state's only abortion center, filed suit last year against the state with the help of the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights.
One supporter on hand for Tuesday's signing was Dr. Randy Armstrong, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Hillsborough County who provides emergency room coverage at University Community Hospital.
Armstrong, who does not perform abortions, said he has seen "and continues to see" the problems that result from lack of regulations of abortion clinics. In the last six months of 2004, nearly three dozen women were admitted into the hospital because of complications from second-trimester abortions.