The Centers for Disease Control deigned to count the following abortion deaths in their most recent Abortion Surveillance Summary, for 2004:

Today I'll look at deaths in 1989. The CDC counts 12 -- 8 legal, 1 illegal, and 2 unknown.
I know of 7:
Gwendolyn Cliett reacted to the anesthesia and died on the table before the abortion could even be performed.
Betty Damato was deliberately subjected to an incomplete abortion, and given a trash bag to put the rest of the fetus in as it was expelled.
Georgianna "Jeannie" English was one of two patients to die from safe, legal abortions at the hands of erstwhile criminal abortionist Milan Vuitch.
Marie Gibson died from getting amniotic fluid in her bloodstream during the abortion.
Linda Lovelace developed sepsis from a perforated uterus.
Vanessa Preston had the dubious distinction of being the first identified death from disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (a clotting disorder) brought on by a second-trimester dismemberment abortion.
Shirley Williams died of infection and hemorrhage.
So the CDC knows of at least four abortion deaths I'm unaware of -- possibly more if I have noted the deaths of women who, like Latachie Veal, they simply failed to count.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

For more abortion deaths broken down by year, see this post.
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Correction -- I think you meant to say that Betty was deliberately subjected to an *incomplete* abortion.
Fixed. Thanx.
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