The Centers for Disease Control deigned to count the following abortion deaths in their most recent Abortion Surveillance Summary, for 2004:

Today I'll summarize the 1980s:
1980: The CDC counts 12 -- 8 legal, 1 illegal, and 2 unknown. I know of 7. So the CDC knows of at least four abortion deaths I'm unaware of.
1981: The CDC counts 9 -- 8 legal and 1 illegal. I have 10 deaths. So I found one that they missed.
1982: They count 12 -- 11 legal and 1 illegal. I have 8 deaths, so I missed at least 4.
1983: They count 12 -- 11 legal and 1 illegal. I have 7 deaths. So I've missed at least 5.
1984: They count 12, all legal. I have 10 deaths.
1985: They count 13: 11 legal, 1 illegal, and 1 "unknown". I have 11 deaths, so I missed at least 2.
1986: They count 13: 11 legal and 2 "unknown". I have 16. So they missed at least 3.
1987: They count 9: 7 legal and 2 illegal. I have 11; 10 legal and one likely illegal, which means that I counted at least three that the CDC missed, but I might have missed an illegal death.
1988: The CDC counts 16 legal and 0 illegal. I have 14. So there are at least two that I don't know about.
1989: The CDC counts 12 legal and 1 illegal. I have 14 legal and 1 illegal. But one of my legal deaths was related to an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, a death that the CDC refuses to lay on the abortionist's door regardless of how irresponsible his failure to diagnose the ectopic was. This means that there is at least one legal abortion death that the CDC failed to so much as notice.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

For more abortion deaths broken down by year, see this post.
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