Fox News in Phoenix has
this story of a woman who was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy (one outside the uterus) at 20 weeks. She rejected surgery at that point because her baby couldn't have survived. He was born, healthy but premature, at 32 weeks.
At this time the doctors and Fox News are reporting the case as unique. For the specific site of implantation, perhaps so. But little
Azelan Cruz Perfecto isn't the only baby to survive an ectopic pregnancy.
Live abdominal pregnancy presenting as massive rectal bleeding: "A case of massive rectal bleeding resulting from the placental attachment of an abdominal pregnancy to the sigmoid colon is reported. Both mother and infant survived this rare complication which should be considered when abdominal colic and major gastrointestinal haemorrhage occur in a pregnant patient."
Abdominal pregnancies, Primary Surgery: Volume One: Non-trauma, Chapter 8. The surgery of pregnancy: Covers a case of survival, with recommendations for management.
Massive hemorrhage in a previously undiagnosed abdominal pregnancy presenting for elective Cesarean delivery: Not sure if this is a new case or not.
Abdominal pregnancies in Sweden resulting in live infants 1970-81: The site is just a cite for an article in Swedish, leaving me to wonder how many infants were born alive after abdominal gestation just in Sweden in those 11 years.
Full-term viable abdominal pregnancy: a case report and review: A full-term abdominal pregnancy culminating in the birth of a live healthy baby by laparotomy is described.Add this little fellow to the list. Valdir Gabriel was born in Brazil three months after his mother was diagnosed with an abdominal pregnancy, the type of ectopic pregnancy most likely to result in a live birth.
Rare baby survives outside womb: Montreal doctor, CBC News Tuesday, August 12, 2003: Dionne Grant, a Jamaican tourist, was in Montreal when she had to go to Sacré-Coeur Hospital for an emergency c-section, performed by Dr. Robert Sabbah, head of obstetrics and gynecology. He said, "When I opened the cavity I quickly discovered that the uterus was not like it was supposed to be. As soon as I explored the abdominal cavity I noticed there were feet in the cavity just floating around. So as fast as I could I took out the baby." The placenta had attached to the top of Dionne's uterus, this providing a good blood supply to the baby.
Here is an old medical journal article, ADVANCED EXTRAUTERINE PREGNANCY, Bulletin of the Hong Kong Medical Association, vol. 22, 1970.
Case 1 was a 32-year-old mother of one, in 1956. "The extrauterine pregnancy was not diagnosed until 38th week when foetal movements could clearly be seen transmitted through the thin abdominal wall." She had no other symptoms that anything was amiss with her pregnancy. An X-ray showed that the baby was oddly situated, with an abnormally curved spine. She was immediately admitted to the hospital, where a 3,430 gram baby girl was delivered. The omentum (apron of fat covering the intestines) was covering the pregnancy, which seemed to have arisen in the right fallopian tube. There were only minor adhesions within the mother's abdomen. The mother recovered well, and had a successful normal pregnancy the following year. The baby was perfectly healthy.

Case 2 was a 41-year-old mother of two, who had slight bleeding at 16 weeks, and intermittent pain for four months. She was admitted to the hospital at 27 weeks. Her pain subsided after a week of hospitalization. The fetus could be easily felt through the woman's abdominal wall, as could the empty uterus. The patient refused immediate surgery, hoping to perserve her child's life. She remained hospitalized.
At 32 weeks she experienced sudden, acute abdominal pain. She was delivered of a 2,010 gram infant. The placenta had attached to the back wall of her pelvic cavity and the right broad ligament. The sac, placenta, and right fallopian tube and ovary were removed, with minimal blood loss. the mother recovered well. The baby had some facial asymmetry due to the unusual pressures placed on her from being gestated outside the womb.
Case 3 
was a 33-year-old mother of four, admitted to the hospital at 36 1/2 weeks because of recurring abdominal pain. The fetus was in breach presentation, but attempts to turn the baby by maniuplating it through the abdominal wall were unsuccessful. An X-ray revealed that the baby was lying transversely. The doctors decided to perform a c-section, whereupon they learned that the baby was actually behind the mother's uterus.The baby weighed 2,920 grams. The placenta had attached to the back of the mother's reproductive organs, which were removed. The mother recovered well and the baby was healthy.
Case 4 wasa 43-year-old mother of 8 who had been having abdominal pain since 12 weeks, and was admitted to the hospital at 26 weeks. Her uterus was displaced by the fetus, which was in her abdomen. Two days after she was admitted, she experienced sudden acute abdominal pain, so doctors performed surgery to remove the baby, a girl weighing 1,040 grams. Blood loss was minimal. The mother recovered well, and the baby had no problems other than prematurity. Sadly, she developed a respiratory infection and died at age 34 days.And finally, in Australia,
Durga Thangarajah was born at term after she had implanted in her mother's ovary -- a situation that doctors say is unheard-of. Or was until now.
Wow! That's amazing. I'm so glad the baby made it. I remember watching a TV show that had a woman who was pregnant with triplets, and one of them was ectopic, but she carried them all nearly to term (I seem to remember his placenta had attached to her bladder, or something?!) Sadly my ectopic baby didn't make it (classic tube implantation; the tube ruptured), but it's nice to hear it's not always a death sentence for the baby.
Yeah, myself, I'd risk it. I'm also wondering if women pushed harder for it, would doctors try to come up with ways to save babies that had implanted in the tubes? Perhaps you could carefully slit the tube under controlled circumstances so that it wouldn't rupture, then carefully move it to where it drapes across the top of the uterus to allow better access to blood for the fetus without risking placental adherence to her viscera.
If enough women started looking for other options, doctors would be forced to respond.
Great ideas, Christina. I wonder if we could get to the point where the baby could be moved into the uterus eventually. Amazing stories. Life is stronger than death.
Just like most things in life, it's easy to comment when you have not experienced it. Many of the above stories were about abdominal pregnancies not ectopic. I had an ectopic pregnancy back in 1998. The baby had implanted so far in my tube, my body didn't know it was even pregnant. The baby would not have survived. It's nice to speculate but please be sensitive to others. If you are going to offer solutions be prepared to put legs on the solution. Don't just offer words!
kristen, ectopic is outside the womb. It can be in the tube, in or on the ovary, on top of the uterus instead of in it, on the omentum or the intestines, etc.
And I realize that AS THINGS STAND NOW, we don't have the capability of intervening in a way that can save a baby in most ectopics. But there once was no way to save "blue babies", until Vivien Thomas and Alfred Blalock developed a surgery that was thought to be impossible.
a med school friend told me about a team of doctors that are looking into transplanting ectopic babies into the uterus. Obviously, this is in the very early stages of development but perhaps it might be a viable treatment method in years to come.
These cases are true miracles. Ectopic pregnancy is the most common cause of death in the first trimester of pregnancy. Rates of maternal mortality have dropped by over 50% since the 1980's secondary to earlier diagnosis. Even still, approximately 40-50 women die in the United States yearly from this problem. So while we have at best maybe 10 children and their mothers in all of history who have survived, please remember there are millions of mothers AND their unborn children who have died from this exact same condition. With the advent of minimally invasive surgery and methotrexate as therapies, there have not only been many maternal lives saved and their fertility spared. My point with the above: I guess when you make the statement that "if women pushed harder that doctors would come up with a way to save babies" and we would be "forced to respond" indicates that we don't value the sanctity of life and seems to minimalize how far we have come in saving lives! (Granted, it's not just us doctors who do the life saving...I believe that God is present in all we do.) I'm sure that was not your intent, however....I'm sure I'm not the only person reading this who had these same feelings and thoughts.
anon, if the women who WOULD choose to try to save their babies knew that it was -- however remotely -- possible, they would be the ones pushing for it until it became available at lower risk for other women, who would then push for even greater safety, etc., until saving these babies became doable, even if not common.
I'm not advocating that all women take an astronomical risk, only that doctors be willing to serve those who are willing, and that those women band together. I'd be one of them.
Summer, I never said that any of these surviving babies were tubal pregnancies, and I never claimed that I'd had an ectopic pregnancy myself. I only asserted -- and only in the comments -- that were I to face any sort of ectopic pregnancy, I would try to carry to viability, and if the baby were in the tube I would try to find a doctor who would try to open and repostion the tube to prevent a spontaneous rupture an to try to encourage the placenta to attach to the outside of the uterus.
Other women -- few in number I will grant you -- have said that they would do likewise.
You will notice that none of us are asking other women to make that choice. But we are hoping that if there are enough of us, doctors will come up with a way to save these babies if their mothers ask for that high-risk option.
Summer, yes I WOULD really risk a tubal pregnancy. I realize that this is a very rare stand, that it totally flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom, and that it would be an extremely risky thing.
Do I think EVERY woman would or should make that choice? Of course not. It would be a high-risk experimental procedure, and people aren't lab rats that you just do experiments on.
Of course it's hypothetical, Summer. Everything that becomes real starts out as hypothetical. Every medical treatment that is routine now started out as an experiment at some time.
You seem to be feeling like you're being judged for not having demanded medical experiments when you were diagnosed with tubal pregnancies. I don't know of anybody who is doing that. There are just a few people taking the information that sometimes, very rarely, but sometimes, babies survive when they implant outside the uterus, and putting firmly in their own minds that in the unlikely event that this happens to them, they will push for a medical experiment.
Would we actually follow through if push came to shove? As you've said, we can't really know. However, people ARE more likely to follow through on a plan they've thought through in advance -- especially a plan for doing something in a time of high stress.
Nobody, starting cold with no advance planning, is going to respond to a doctor saying, "We have to do X right away or you will die" with, "Well, let me spend a few years researching this, and maybe I'll decide that I want to be a guinea pig for a medical experiment!" The patient in that situation doesn't HAVE a few years.
That's why it's important for people to have the idea in the back of their minds, so that they start thinking of it. The first dozen women who ask a doctor will be told that they're insane, that it can't work, that there's no way any doctor will do it.
Then the doctor will start wondering. He'll start doing research in medical journals. Maybe he'll start something with lab rats or pigs.
Over the course of a few generations maybe they'll come up with something. That's what we're hoping for.
Why does it piss you off so much?
Summer, you seem to be contradicting what you said earlier.
My perception is that you indicted that to even TRY to save a tubal pregnancy is utterly insane, no doctor would ever try, and no woman would be crazy enough to ask.
Now you seem to be saying that there ARE doctors trying, and that hundreds of thousands of women are pushing for it.
And obvsiouly you ARE pissed. I can amost feel you trying to reach through your monior and bitch-slap me every time you post.
If hundreds of thousands of women are asking doctors to save their ectopic pregnancies, and if doctors are trying to come up with ways to save these pregnancies, I'm wondering where the studies are that discuss it. I went to Google Scholar [] and searched "ectopic pregnancy" and looked at the first 200 returns (20 pages); almost all of the studies were about diagnosing and treating ectopic pregnancies (via one method of abortion or another), incidence or trends of ectopic pregnancy in America and elsewhere, or risk factors for ectopic pregnancy, with *none* about how to save them. Some of the articles discussed how best to preserve the mother's fertility while aborting the baby, and there were some dealing with "expectant management" of ectopic pregnancy (taking a "wait and see" approach that you seem to denigrate as being lethal for the mom, even though about half did not require treatment, in every study), but none were about attempting to save the baby. There were case studies of women with ectopic pregnancies in a C-section scar, but no case studies of an attempt to save the baby of an ectopic pregnancy.
A recent (2006) study, (updated 2009) looking at "interventions for tubal ectopic pregnancy" failed to mention any attempt at removing and re-implanting the embryo/placenta, but discusses only expectant management and various methods of abortion.
If you know of any case of an attempt to save the baby in humans, or of any studies on ectopic pregnancy in animals with a view to attempts at saving the fetus either in the animal or as a test for humans, please let me know. Everything is impossible... until it's tried. Open-heart surgery used to be impossible, even unthinkable, until finally someone did it. Now it's fairly common. Remaining in the thought patterns of decades and centuries gone by is not the way to advance; imagining possibilities is.
Google Scholar is a bit different. It searches peer-reviewed journals and articles, and is a valuable resource for finding scholarly studies. But if it's as widespread and easy as you are implying it should be to find information on alternatives to outright abortion for ectopic pregnancy, you should be able to point to at least one of the hundreds of thousands of women who are demanding of their doctors alternative treatment, or at least one doctor that is undertaking the task.
[The Captcha phrase is sylly. Appropriate, I think.]
This is a link to successful TUBAL pregnancy. Odds were one in 60 Million but that still ends summers argument.
Summer said...
"95-98% of all ectopic pregnancies are tubal pregnancies. There is NOT one tubal pregnancy that can be carried to full term!"
Thanks, Pozzo!
I had seen this story a couple of times, but never read that the boy started as a tubal pregnancy before moving to and implanting in the outside of the uterus.
If that was the case (only slightly skeptical, knowing the average reporter's carelessness or ignorance regarding medical things), then that definitely shows that it is a possibility to medically/surgically move the baby from the tube to the uterus to grow, and abortion is not necessarily the only answer.
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Another Story to consider:
Durga Thangarajah is the only child in Australia — and possibly the world — to survive a full-term ovarian pregnancy. [She] was delivered by Caesarean section after spending almost nine months inside her mother’s right ovary, stretching the organ’s tissue so taut that her hair and facial features were visible through the membrane. Involvement of the ovary is rarer, meaning the likelihood of delivering a healthy baby is just one in a million.
Obstetrician Andrew Miller, of Darwin Private Hospital in Australia’s Northern Territory, who operated on Durga’s mother, Meera, said: “It’s an extraordinarily unusual outcome and I am not aware of anyone who has seen a [full] term ovarian pregnancy as we have here.”
I'm late to the party, but to counter Summer's ignorant assertion that tubal pregnancies are different from abdominal pregnancies--some doctors believe that ALL non-ovarian abdominal pregnancies began as tubal but migrated after the tube bursts, and ALL doctors know that many abdominal pregnancies began as tubal.
If a baby can occasionally survive such trauma AND implanting on an entirely unsuitable surface, then it certainly should be very feasible to dislodge the pregnancy from the tube and pull it down into the uterus. If it reimplanted only as often as a baby survives a tubal rupture--2%--then that would be astronomically higher than the survival rate of abdominal pregnancies. And it would preserve the woman's health and fertility. It seems much more likely that the odds would be much better--perhaps as high as 10%--just because the surface would be more suitable.
Nothing will be done about it until we agree that babies are human beings, worth saving, from the moment of conception. Doctors don't care about babies lost to ectopic pregnancies because they do not consider them to be human. Doctors as a group scarcely consider ANY first-trimester miscarriages to be anything but unfortunate in the context of a patient not getting the desired outcome. THERE IS NO RESEARCH BEING DONE TO SAVE ECTOPIC PREGNANCIES.
As for me--I'd take the risk in a heartbeat. I've lost seven pregnancies that I know of--my doctor suspects at least eight. I have two living children. If I have a .1% chance of death (which is a realistic death rate from a tubal rupture) and my baby had a .0001% chance of reimplantation and my baby's survival, I'd take my chances. But if someone would do the necessary research, I wouldn't have to, and a 2% chance is far, far better than none.
I am with Summer here. I have owned (and still own since 1999. It has been shut down since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. I am willing to bet that NONE of the "take the chance" comments come from anyone who has actually researched ectopic pregnancies NOR had one themselves.
I have had two ectopic pregnancies, each of which resulted in the loss of a tube. There IS a very big difference between a tubal pregnancy and those that implant on the ovary or in the abdomen. To say anything else is ridiculous. There has never been and will NEVER be a live birth from a tubal ectopic pregnancy. A short investigation into the female reproductive system would have cleared that up pretty quickly.
Looking into how a pregnancy forms and grows would have also cleared up the "move the baby" issue. There is NO such thing as re-implantation. This is not opinion, it is fact.
Please don't use the tragedy of an ectopic pregnancy to push an agenda. It's disrespectful to women who have gone through it, and it only makes your point of view (on other things, which I am guessing) a moot point.
Nobody is proposing that any mother be pushed to unwillingly risk her life with an ectopic pregnancy. We are only advocating for doctors to be more responsive to, and less dismissive of, the women who want to give the baby every chance, however miniscule, of surviving. We're not even asking that doctors *initiate* the conversation. Just that if the mother begs to know if anything can be done, the doctor will say, "Well, there are these 27 documented cases out of all the ectopic pregnancies worldwide in the past 100 years...."
Yes, right now the idea of making a conscious attempt to save the life of an ectopic baby (except for cases diagnosed late in pregnancy) seems impossible.
It was once thought that heart surgery was impossible, but a desperate desire to save "blue babies" pushed Vivien Thomas and Alfred Blalock to find a way to operate on the heart. "Impossible" medical advances have been made time and time again. There is no reason to believe that, given time and incentive, doctors can't eventually achieve the impossible here as well.
Nobody is asking anybody else to take the risks. A small number of women are merely asking for the opportunity to shoulder the risks themselves, KNOWING that the chances of a payoff are lower than the odds of winning the lottery, and that unlike a lottery, they're gambling with their own lives.
Some day -- perhaps when our grandchildren are old -- there will be an Eileen Saxon of ectopic pregnancy: that first baby to be saved by "impossible" surgery.
I've had 2 ectopic pregnancies. The first in my left tube, treated w methotrexate @ 10.5 wks. Treatment worked. That was in 2004. Then in 2008 I had another ectopic, on the right side, partially in the tube opening and ovary, it ruptured. I had to have an emergency laparotomy as well my peritoneal cavity drained because it was full of blood because 2 days prior they misdiagnosed as a miscarriage. That being said, I feel the same way as Christina does! I wish that Dr's could transfer and save tubals! After having one child, who is now 17yrs old, 5 miscarriages and 2 ectopics! Yes, if I were able to conceive again and it were tubal I would definitely choose to save it if possible!
I have a question for Flamingo or anyone else that can help. I am currently having a tubal pregnancy and I was wondering who the people were that were working on trying to move the fetus to the uterus. I really need some help on this if anyone has any answers. My e-mail is and my name is Kim. Thanks!
I know people have strong feelings about this and there is anger from the people who have experienced it but all of this is really difficult to read when you are lying in bed at one in the morning wishing there was something you could do and there is no one to help. I love how much my doctor cares and how supportive my family and friends are of all of this, but its the end of the day and I still can't sleep because I have searched and searched and cried and begged and prayed and I will still lose my baby tomorrow. I can feel it moving even though people on various websites have ignorantly and hatefully stated that this is impossible. And right now, while I am just looking for comfort or ideas or hope or solace all I find is people fighting. This is not a kind discussion wanting to share ideas and comfort. Summer is clearly in pain and other people find it more important to argue with her than help her with that. At the same time, the determined anger from summer doesn't help either. It is painful to lay here knowing I have to go to sleep because I can barely keep my eyes open and this is the last thing I will see tonight. God help our broken, angry, selfish, spiteful world. I hate this place.
There are those of us who are choosing to take the risk. I did 7 years ago and I am again. Tubal pregnancy is not the only type of dangerous ectopic pregnancy. They are all dangerous. Hemorrhage is always a risk. Yet I trust in the Lord and place my hope in him.
It is not true that all tubal pregnancies are doomed. The case of the triplet Ronan is only one survival story. There are several others. I discuss this on my blog:
I would risk the end even if my baby didn't make it or even if I didn't make it..for the simple fact that I believe the babys life is just as important as mine and has a right to baby deserbes a mother who is willing to die me it is like no other instance where a mother would risk her life to protect her child
If I were ever in those shoes there is no doubt in my mind I would risk it.
I would most likely die trying, but I would rather have tried & died then to have killed my child & have to live with that knowledge.
I am obviously late to this thread, but I am one who has had a tubal ectopic pregnancy. I was pregnant with twins. I found out at 2 weeks gestation. I had one child prior to that. I am one who not only had a tubal ectopic pregnancy and was willing to take the risk. I did not even know that there was a chance that the baby could be replanted at the time, but my words to the doctor was "Can't you disconnect the baby and replace it in my uterus?". He said no and did not offer any other suggestion like outside of my uterus or anything. I was not given that option. I do not know if he did not know about it being done before, if it had not been tried by that time, or chose to not take that risk. So to the young lady who argues that if one has had a tubal would not take that risk, I say that there is always someone out there who will and I am one of them. I do believe that if more women pushed for saving the baby instead of aborting it, the doctors would look into it more if they have not done so already. As others have said, there is much information out there about aborting the baby, but not about saving it. I do not know if efforts have been made towards saving these babies, but it sure would be useful research, especially if they were successful. I am one who believes that all things are possible through Christ. I only wish that the doctor would have at least tried to do what I asked, because it was my choice to take that risk. I still wonder about those two babies that were aborted. I lost my left tube to that pregnancy. However, I was blessed to have 3 more children in spite of the ectopic pregnancy. I still consider myself blessed. Maybe replanting the baby would not be the choice that many women would take, but it would be nice if the option was available. I only pray that the doctors who take on this challenge are successful. I only wish the efforts were made ages ago, so my twins could have been saved.
Summer, i am sorry for your loss. Let go of that pain and yiur anger will disappear. Your anger destroys your argument and clouds your responses.
This is the most important overlooked fact in this conversation...40% of ectopic pregnancies are later found to be normal intrauterine pregnancies. A woman sued over her childs birth defects caused by the aborting drug she was given, in 2012-2013. So GET A SECOND OPINION BEFORE YOU ABORT!!!
If one goes to the top and reads "Case 1" one will see that the ectopic pregnancy started in the right fallopian tube. Of course as the tube's passage is not much larger than a hair the embryo had to have left (burst; perforated) the tube and then implanted in the intestinal sac.
Nevertheless it did start as a tubal.
Frozen embryos are being rescued and implanted into the wombs of true surrogate mothers who are not the genetic mothers of the babies.
This is quite distinct from a woman providing her own ovum to be fertilized either by AI or IVF by a man not her own husband as a surrogate for his own wife. The resulting baby is hers and the other woman's husband's. This appears to me to be no moral difference from the man having natural sexual relations with her as a stand-in for his wife.
To volunteer to save these unfortunate abandoned children is, I believe, moral and honorable. Just as moral as a woman breast-feeding the child of another couple.
The couple who generated the child, however, are morally reprehensible no matter how "desperately" they want their own child carrying their own genes.
In every case I have heard of several embryos are generated when only one is wanted. The rest are to be discarded - abandoned to die. The reason for generating more than one is that it is known that IVF embryos often fail to implant or to survive and die as a result of this risky (for the child) procedure.
People who claim to be Christians should leave these kinds of activities to the heathen. By doing such things not only is the sin of murder committed but it gives great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme.
Unfortunately many professed Christians want to do their own will, being concerned only with "What can I get away with and not go to hell/being punished by God," instead of "How may I conduct my life to please my God and Savior?"
i would definatly risk it i would want to try to save my baby no matter what the cost, all we knoow are all of these drs. are always saying that they need to remove the embrio due to chances of loosing a life, yes some women die from it but at the same time their are woman who have probably delivered this baby after 32 or more weeks we just dont hear about them. if some one is will to make that sacrafice to keep their baby in their tubes or out side of the uterus or what ever it is their right as a human. no one can be forced to go threw anything that they dont want to. if i knew their were even a 1 percent chance of caring my baby at least to 32 weeks i would. god works in mysterious was and as long as i know that he is their by my side i will leave everything in his hands. i have read on other sights today that their are drs that are discusing trying to figure out ways of removing embrio from the tube at an early time and placing it inside of the uterus to see if it would intact. i pray for all of the woman who wish to have the chance to save their babies and cary them full term. for those of you who have lost a child due to a tubal pregnancy im so sorry for your loss but every one does have the right to do what they think is right. i for one will do what is right and my option would be caring that baby as long as i could just to see if their is a possibility of it serviving. Thank You All. FISHERBEAUTY
Summer you're an idiot. I'm experiencing an ectopic pregnancy right now and doing research to find doctors who would be willing to help me save my baby. Its people like these other woman standing up for precious lives that make a great difference in this world. And it's people like you summer who need to keep your "wise words" to yourself. Props to the woman who haven't been through this but are taking a stand. And summer...shame on you and your ignorance.
Dr. C.J. Wallace shared Dr. Carson’s sentiment and focused his hope directly at the idea of re-implanting an ectopic pregnancy into the uterus,
“In this day of advanced surgery, with the art of transplanting different parts, and, in fact organs of the body, I wonder at the escape of so important a procedure, entailing so little danger, as the transplanting of an ectopic pregnancy from the fallopian tube into the uterus, thus permitting the child to develop and be born as was its intention before its progress was obstructed…”
“… I think we should make a supreme attempt to save the life of the growing child by opening the tube carefully and dissecting out the pregnancy intact and transplanting it into the uterus where nature intended it should go. It can be very quickly done. It does not endanger the life of the mother and may be her only chance to bear a child.”
Dr. Wallace penned those words in Volume XXIV of the medical journal, “Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics” found in the Harvard Medical Library. That “day of advanced surgery” was January 1917, almost 100 years ago! What could he possibly know right? He had no access to MRI or ultrasound, X-ray technology was rudimentary at best, and he couldn’t possibly know the true improbability of the surgery he proposes. So what gives Dr. Wallace credibility on this topic? The fact that in September of 1915 he successfully pulled it off.
“I found an ectopic gestation in the left tube,” which was “enlarged to the size of a walnut… Knowing their anxiety for raising a child, I decided to try, at least, the only thing at hand – to transplant the ectopic pregnancy. … I carefully opened the tube and dissected the pregnancy out intact, being careful not to injure the sac in any way by keeping wide away and including part of the tub wall. It came out very easily and was in size about equal to a large olive. It was at once placed within the cavity of the open uterus… The tube was closed in like manner and left in place. The patient was watched carefully… for two weeks with no symptoms whatever. … The pregnancy went on normally to full term and resulted in the natural birth of a fine boy, fully developed and without a scar, May 2, 1916.”
Women need to demand a doctor try it. If it could be done in 1916 then it should be easily done now. The problem is that people don't consider an embryo to be life. If enough women came together and demanded would get done. It's happened before almost 100 years ago. I'm going to find a doctor who will try.
hello everyone, i am here to share my testimony on how i conceived my baby. i have been married to my husband for 18years without no issue. my husband has been tested OK, i too have been tested. but no issue. i had problems with my in-laws even my husband started to have new affairs aside your marriage. it was a very terrible thing to bear. i became a laughing stock among my pear, i prayed and fasted and nothing happened. i was now seen as always unhappy. after many medical treatment and there is no way. i took it as i was born barren and i accepted every challenge that comes my way. i was even ready to pack out of my marital home and stay on my own because my husband was not given me any attention that i needed from him. i decided to focus on my job and try to live happy on my own.
on this faithful day, i decided to check the net for updates on healthy living and i came across a story of a man who Dr EDIONWE helped his wife to conceive a baby. i decided to put a try because this has been my greatest problem in life. today i am a proud mom. words will not be enough to explained what this man did for me. he casted a pregnancy spell on me and i noticed i was pregnant on the 7th day after the spell. i am a happy mother, the pride of my family, a miracle in my town. i know there is someone in same condition and you feel there is no way. i urge you to contact him via email This is the solution to every single mother around the globe. distance is not a barrier, he will surely make your dreams come trough. contact him today via email: you want your lover back or any other miracle in your life, contact him today so the world can be a better place to live. bye!!!
hello everyone, i am here to share my testimony on how i conceived my baby. i have been married to my husband for 18years without no issue. my husband has been tested OK, i too have been tested. but no issue. i had problems with my in-laws even my husband started to have new affairs aside your marriage. it was a very terrible thing to bear. i became a laughing stock among my pear, i prayed and fasted and nothing happened. i was now seen as always unhappy. after many medical treatment and there is no way. i took it as i was born barren and i accepted every challenge that comes my way. i was even ready to pack out of my marital home and stay on my own because my husband was not given me any attention that i needed from him. i decided to focus on my job and try to live happy on my own.
on this faithful day, i decided to check the net for updates on healthy living and i came across a story of a man who Dr EDIONWE helped his wife to conceive a baby. i decided to put a try because this has been my greatest problem in life. today i am a proud mom. words will not be enough to explained what this man did for me. he casted a pregnancy spell on me and i noticed i was pregnant on the 7th day after the spell. i am a happy mother, the pride of my family, a miracle in my town. i know there is someone in same condition and you feel there is no way. i urge you to contact him via email This is the solution to every single mother around the globe. distance is not a barrier, he will surely make your dreams come trough. contact him today via email: you want your lover back or any other miracle in your life, contact him today so the world can be a better place to live. bye!!!
Sarah Pederson. I'm right behind you! If there was a way to save my ectopic tubal pregnancy, I'm all for it as it is my only chance of having a baby. Two ectopic pregnancies in a row from the same cut tube. The other good tube is blocked. My only option after this is IVF which I refuse to do for different reasons, such as expense and so on. I wonder how difficult it can be to TRY and transplant a tubal pregnancy to the uterus? Surely less expensive than ivf and worth a try!
As for Summer, speak for yourself and not for others! How inconsiderate of you to think your opinion is shared by others having ectopic pregnancies. Have a little faith in science (and God). We've come a long way in the past 100 years and there's no telling someone of the impossible anymore.
My name is Chloe am from USA my partner and I have been trying to get a baby for over two years then, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months and my ex lover was confused and angry with me so he thought i was a barren woman so he parked out and left me alone, six months later before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, i contacted him at this email:drbrightspellcaster@gmail,com for him to help us, then i told him my problem, he told us that i will either conceive soon, but after two years of trying i was at a point where i was willing to try anything. And I'm glad i came to DR BRIGH Because his pregnancy spell cast put me at ease, now i missed my month flow and my medical result shows that i was pregnant, as soon as my husband heard the great news he came back fast and started begging in tears and now am living happy with my husband and my pretty daughter, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped me as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: if you are searching for any help to problems like these:
(1)If you want your ex back.
(2)if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/ men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)Herbal care
you can still contact him on his email
My name is Shally Mills my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over 9 years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 9 years before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him and tell him our problems for him to help us, he told us that we will conceive and have kids. Today i am very happy with the help he render to us, we now have two children A boy and a girl, after 9 years of marriage. all thanks goes to dr. trust for puting smile on our face.And also he help me to win lottery with his lottery spell. I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: or if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back or also win lottery numbers. he has powers to do it, he has done mine and he is also ready to help you. call him +2348156885231
My name is Shally Mills my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over 9 years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 9 years before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him and tell him our problems for him to help us, he told us that we will conceive and have kids. Today i am very happy with the help he render to us, we now have two children A boy and a girl, after 9 years of marriage. all thanks goes to dr. trust for puting smile on our face.And also he help me to win lottery with his lottery spell. I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: or if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back or also win lottery numbers. he has powers to do it, he has done mine and he is also ready to help you. call him +2348156885231
My Name is JOHN RICHMOND .I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from engage to Single...when i went to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Germany the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my my girl friend called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume work on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit i have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with a baby boy and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he also have a web site if you want to visit him there' he will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck. his web site is/
My Name is M.M Orland, I am From Washinton DC
I’d like to thank Dr.Yun Ye for his help with my infertility and share my success baby story.
I have been diagnosed with PCOS, having irregular periods and the possibility of not ovulating regularly.
I was 37 and referred to a fertility specialist.
I've been put on clomid and I've had 3 miscarriages and then I could not even get pregnant,
After spending 2 years with a fertility specialist, I have realized it was time to try something else. I asked to be
referred to another fertility clinic and while waiting for my appointment,
I decided to give acupunture a try. I was been referred to a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, Dr. Yun Ye,
by someone who was in her early 40s, i got His Traditional Medicine and then got pregnant, it worked like magic,
I was hesitant to try it at first and I had had Dr. Ye’s contact information for some time before I contacted him.
After 3 months of herbal treatment (cooking dried herbs and drinking the herbal tea 2x a day), herbal tincture,
my ultrasound report read "no polycystic ovaries". I continued with acupuncture and herbal tinctures for a few more months
and after 2 months of cycle monitoring with Dr. Ye, I got pregnant.
During my pregnancy I continued to take herbal tinctures that are safe in pregnancy, I felt great.
I hope to try to get pregnant again soon with the help of Dr. Ye.
I would like to pass my experience and information to all women who are struggling with infertility,
with or without PCOS or any other diagnoses, and who are interested in finding out more.
There is a chance that you can get pregnant naturally.
All you need to do is bring your body in balance and that is what Traditional Chinese Medicine does,
Unlike Western medicine, it does not fix one problem and create another in your body,
it installs balance to the whole body."
You can contact Dr. Yun via eMail;
(Search For Dr. Yun Ye on Google)
I recently had our very healthy baby removed with part of my right tube. I share the same perspective as you do, Christina, and I begged for that option as my husband sit crying knowing it wasn't possible at the time and he might lose his wife had I finally agreed to have surgery. I recall arguing with my very patient doctor that scientists had recently landed a freaking probe on a comet-why couldn't they at least TRY to save our baby....
In the meantime, I'm researching medical groups that might try your idea out in the event this happens again.
I know this is an old post, but I was recently in a similar situation, feeling the way you did. Listening to the clock tick away the last minutes I'll have with my baby's heartbeat pumping away with mine. Those were the worst moments of my life. I'm very interested in supporting research to save ectopic pregnancies.
Thanks again Christina. I'd be one too. Positive thinking manifest things into existence. Negative keeps it right where it is. 2 have lost 2 babies due to ectopic pregnancies. I am optimistic a procedure will be put in place to save many.
Abdominal pregnancies ARE ectopic pregnancies. They're just less common than tubal ectopics.
Hi Summer,
As I was reading,through these comments I became very upset. You of all people should want to take a stand for,the child you loss! I had an ectopic pregnancy. They removed my right tube and my baby on June 16th! I was 9 weeks pregnant! And all I can think of is how my husband and I asked was there anyway to save or baby! I didn't care if I died! I never imagined loving something so much in such a short time! Your loss has made you bitter! Medical research is often one sided. Doctors have found ways to treat & cure various malignant cancers... moving a baby through a tube shouldn't be that hard! I pray that a doctor defies all medical standard practice and tries this type of surgery! So that I may NEVER have to experience the pain and guilt of allowing my child to be aborted because the doctor didn't have the balls to try to save life instead unfortunately killing life was easier!
Christina you are do right!!!!
Actually I have had three tubal/ectopic pregnancies. I don't want to get in the argument that we only have to tubes, somehow one of my tubes "healed." I WOULD and did "take the chance." The first time I had no choice, I was unconscious from blood loss by the time it was diagnosed, the second time again became an emergency but I insisted on ultrasounds being repeated until no heartbeat could be found before I would sign any paperwork for surgery. I had four children between, those losses. So yes, woman who have had ectopic pregnancies and researched them will "take the chance." I am fortunate to have my children and I would do anything for them. My youngest son was born after my second tubal ectopic after both tubes had ruptured, not one bit of reproductive study can explain his miraculous conception, I have had a couple doctor's suggest theories, one was the egg traveled along a cyst from a broken part of my tube to the uterus (in the weeks prior to me finding out I was pregnant I'd had a large ovarian cyst rupture) and another suggested over the 7 years my tube had healed or regrew a portion. I had my third tubal ectopic after my youngest's birth and have not been pregnant in the 17 years since. I will not belittle or disrespect woman who go through this kind of loss, it is terrible, I have three little angels I will hold one day and I always remember them.
I'm very sorry for your losses, but rejoice with you for the children that were spared to you. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
A caesarean scar pregnancy is ectopic. Me and my baby survived this by the skin of our teeth in 2016.
Diagnosis: CSEP (caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy) with placenta percreta.
I had to have a hysterectomy and reconstruction of my bladder after rupturing at 31 weeks.
As has been pointed out before, "ectopic" means "outside the uterus," not only "inside an uterine tube."
"Ectopic" literally is "anomaly."
Armored Saint wrote: "I wonder if we could get to the point where the baby could be moved into the uterus eventually."
Another possibility is that transfer into a volunteer womb (surrogate mother) someday.
Twice doctors have successfully transferred ectopic babies into the uterus!
It's already been done... almost 100 years ago. Just have to keep demanding that doctors will try.
and ALL extra-uterine pregnancies do start as tubal pregnancies.
It is possible--
And there is a procedure used in cases like yours where blood from the abdominal hemmorage is filtered and given back to the mom!
That's what I was wondering. Depending on where the fetus was in the tube, why not make an incision in the uterus and bend the tube into the uterus. But what do I know as a simple lay person.
I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka
I lived your same experience last year. So. It is still fresh. If I would have known this I would have tried. My 1st 2 are 10 months apart my 1st was a C-section. They told me I had less than a 13% chance of having a successful vaginal birth. I did it.
I would have given anything to stop my forced abortion. I can't even look at myself without thinking I killed a child... my child because I was told there was no hope. I think this article is perfect. So please speak for yourself.
"and people aren't lab rats that you just do experiments on."
With the mrna injections going on right now under EUA still in the phases of getting approval, I'd say this statement doesn't hold true anymore.
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