After a mishap, still under investigation, severed the feet of a 13-year-old girl on a Six Flags ride, the company has shut down not just that ride but all similar rides in all their parks.
The rides won't re-open until the park management figures out what went wrong and figures out how to keep it from happening again.
Wereas Edward "Fast Eddie" Allred, owner of the largest chain of for-profit abortion facilities in the world, admitted in a deposition that he and his staff have never done a preventability assessment after a patient death. Thus allowing tragedy to be needlessly repeated. Maybe there can be an excuse fo the death of Denise Holmes, who died of an amniotic fluid embolism in 1970. But still a preventability assessment could have improved staff awareness of the risks of AFE and how to identify and treat it.
Maybe they would have been more prepared when 16-year-old Patricia Chacon suffered an amniotic fluid embolism in 1984. Maybe, had Allred and his staff cared enough, they could have learned something that would have saved Patricia's life.
Then in 1985, Allred's staff failed to properly diagnose and treat lacerations suffered by Mary Pena, who bled to death. Maybe they could have instituted procedures for properly monitoring patients so that they could detect hemorrage before it took a woman's life, as it took the life of Josefina Garcia just two months after Mary died.
In 1986, 17-year-old Laniece Dorsey suffered anesthesia complications, and Allred's staff failed to adequately ressucitate her. No preventability study was done, and no corrective action taken. And two years later, when Tami Suematsu went into respiratory arrest, staff efforts to revive her were again insufficient. Again, no preventability study, no corrective action. Then in 1992, 13-year-old Deanna Bell stopped breathing, and again Allred's staff failed to revive her. Again, no preventability study, no corrective action. And in 2000, when Kimberly Neil stopped breathing, she wasn't properly resuscitated.
Back to 1988, when Joyce Ortenzio died from an infection Allred's staff failed to detect and treat. Again, no preventability study was done, and no corrective action taken. And four years later, Susan Levy died from an undetected and untreated infection. And two years later, Christine Mora died from amniotic fluid embolism and infection. Again, no preventability study, no corrective action.
And in 2004, Chanelle Bryant died of untreated infection after a chemical abortion at an FPA clinic.
How many women will have to die before this National Abortion Federation member shows as much concern for his patients as a chain of theme parks shows for their thrill-ride customers?

Granted, Six Flags may be doing the right thing for the wrong reason. It may be fear of lawsuits or fear of bad publicity rather than fear that another persom may get maimed. But they're still bending over backward to take corrective action.
For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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