Well, Atlanta Surgicenter is the National Abortion Federation member where Catherine Pierce underwent her fatal abortion. It might be the same facility where Geneva Calton's fatal abortion was performed.
Sara Niebel underwent her fatal abortion at Midtown Hospital in Atlanta. Midtown was a National Abortion Federation member facility that experienced numerous scandals pertaining to illegal late abortions and filthy, chaotic conditions.
Jacqueline Reynolds died after an abortion at Grady Memorial in Atlanta.
Arnetta Hardaway's fatal abortion was performed in Atlanta.
Angela Scott and Deloris Smith were both fatally injured within the same hour at Atlanta Women's Pavillion.

Demitrice Andrews underwent her fatal abortion somewhere in Atlanta.
Allegra Roserberry's fatal abortion was performed at Emory Hospital in Atlanta.
For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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Hey Christina,
I was wondering about that Midtown Hospital and I think that was my search about the "Midtown Hospital Closed Down", I was wondering if you did have any recent info on that place, is it still a hospital or just some deserted building, because the only info I can find is just the same info you had on your blog, but no update info as to the present and not even any pictures of the facility.
Hey Christina,
I was wondering about that Midtown Hospital and I think that was my search about the "Midtown Hospital Closed Down", I was wondering if you did have any recent info on that place, is it still a hospital or just some deserted building, because the only info I can find is just the same info you had on your blog, but no update info as to the present and not even any pictures of the facility.
Ruth, they're no longer on Abortion Clinics Online and no longer listed as a member at the National Abortion Federation site, so I think they've gone belly-up. Though it is, of course, possible that they just re-incorporated under a new name.
If you find out, pop in and let the rest of us know. I'd suggest contacting Georgia Right to Life, or a CPC in Atlanta.
Well that would suck if it is still running just under a different name. That place sounded like a hospital from some type of horror movie! I just couldn't believe all that information and testimonies! Thanks for the suggestion, I might just go on ahead and do that. I need to know, because that hospital was just wrong! EVIL more than anything!
Just remember to let us know if you find anything out.
Hi there I was doing some research for a talk I was giving on how I helped get State Investigators to look into the records at Midtown and found your site.
It is GONE bulldozed! Atlanta Surgi Center did however take over their phone numbers and for about a year after Midtown shut Surgi was extremely Crowded but since it is much smaller they couldn't possibly do the 120 or more abortions a day that Midtown did. Eventually Surgi was fined $50,000 for changing the patient records with white out, using nontrained staff to do ultrasounds, not steriziing their operating rooms and lots more!!
I'd encourage you all to use the OPEN RECORDS act and request records in your state on the abortion clinics that your state regulates. In Georgia only half of the clinics are regulated or have licensed to do surgery. Despite having a Prolife Gov. we have failed to shut down the other half of the clinics that are operating illegally.
Go ahead and make an open records request, you can request an ENTIRE facility file. There will be LOTS of stuff you will learn and get ANGRY about. Use your anger and emotions to get something done like I did!
Good job, anon!
You ought to do an "Abortion in Atlanta" blog and stay on top of these for people.
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