You can help drive home the message that the abortion lobby isn't about saving women's lives. Choose a woman or girl from the list below, perhaps choosing one from near your home, or who died when she was your age or your daughter's age, or who would be the same age as you had she not trusted the abortion lobby when she was feeling frightened and alone. Pick somebody you relate to, whose story you can learn and be ready to share.
Make a simple tombstone-style sign with a piece of foam board from an office supply store. Just use a razor knife to cut the top off in a semi-circle. Print out the woman's name, age, place and date of death, and cause of death -- Safe and Legal Abortion -- to glue on the front. (I recommend the expensive artists' spray adhesive, also available at office supply stores; it prevents wrinkling and holds in damp weather.) Print out her story to put on the back. If she's a local woman, check the library for old articles from newspapers that you can also include on the back. It always gives you more credibility, and makes your witness more powerful, when you have lots of documentation. Some coverage includes photos of the unfortunate women and/or their devastated families to drive the point home that these were real women and girls and that their lives mattered, and that their deaths should matter as well.
If this is a bit more than you have the time, energy, or artistic talent for, you can order a Tombstone Project Poster from Life Dynamics. I recommend mounting it on a piece of foam board for the March. Print out one of the women's stories (available here) for the back.
These signs are a powerful witness to the destruction of abortion. It bears repeating: The abortion lobby isn't about saving women's lives. It's about a political agenda.
Laws don't kill women. Abortionists do.
- Diane Adams, 28, died 1992
- Eurice Agbagaa, 26, died 1989
- Leigh Ann Alford, 34, died 2003
- Demitrice Andews, 22, died 1988
- Mickey Apodaca, 28, died 1984
- Gloria Aponte, 20, died 1986
- Charisse Ards, 20, died 1989
- Barbara Auerbach, 38, died 1981
- KB, age 19, died 1988
- Jacqueline Bailey, 29, died 1977
- Brenda Banks, 35, died 1989
- Myrta Baptiste, 26, died 1989
- Lisa Bardsley, 26, died 1995
- Junette Barnes, 27, died 1988
- Deanna Bell, 13, died 1992
- Brenda Benton, 35, died 1987
- Rosario Bermeo, 30, died 1983
- Janet Blaum, 37, died 1974
- Cassandra Bleavins, 20, died 1971
- Linda Boom, 35, died 1995
- Diane Boyd, 19, died 1981
- Mary Bradley, 41, died 1985
- Dorothy Brown, 37, died 1974
- Chanelle Bryant, 22, died 2004
- Dorothy Bryant, 22, died 1986
- Belinda Byrd, 37, died 1987
- Janeth Caldwell, 36, died 1987
- Geneva Calton, 21, died 1979
- Joan Camp, 22, died 1985
- Marla Cardamone, 18, died 1989
- Teresa Causey, 17, died 1988
- Claudia Caventou, 33, died 1988
- Patricia Chacon, 16, died 1984
- Colleen Chambers, 34, died 1984
- Sandra Chmiel, 35, died 1975
- Gwendolyn Cliett, 29, died 1980
- Margaret Clodfelter, 19, died 1980
- Pamela Colson, 31, died 1994
- Geneva Colton, 21, died 1979
- Andrea Corey, 31, died 1993
- Liliana Cortez, 22, died 1986
- Edith Cote, 38, died 1991
- Sheryl Cottone, 23, died 1981
- Twila Coulter, 21, died 1972
- Carol Cunningham, 21, died 1986
- Betty Damato, 26, died 1980
- Mary Ann Dancy, 32, died 1990
- Angel Dardie, 22, died 1982
- Barbaralee Davis, 18, died 1977
- Glenda Davis, 31, died 1989
- Kathy Davis, 26, died 1987
- Margaret Davis, 33, died 1971
- Sharon Davis, 17, died 1983
- Marina DeChapel, 34, died 1978
- Arlin dela Cruz, age 19, died 1992
- Synthia Dennard, 24, died 1989
- Alerte Desanges, 36, died 1994
- Barbara Dillon, 22, died 1981
- Jane Doe of Newark, 20, died 1993
- Laniece Dorsey, 17, died 1986
- Tamika Dowdy, 22, died 1998
- Gwendolyn Drummer, 15, died 1972
- Duarte, Anjelica, 21, died 1991
- Evelyn Dudley, 38, died 1973
- Sherry Emry, 26, died 1978
- Georgianna English, 32, died 1980
- Maureen Espinoza, 16, died 1997
- Gladyss Estanlisao, 28, died 1989
- Erna Fisher, 18, died 1988
- Bonnie Fix, 38, died 1974
- Sharon Floyd, 18, died 1975
- Linda Fondren, 21, died 1974
- Janet Forster, 18, died 1971
- Cristella Forte, 16, died 1986
- Glenna Jean Fox, 17, died 1989
- Jammie Garcia, 14, died 1994
- Josefina Garcia, died 1985
- Marie Gibson, 34, died 1980
- Christen Gilbert, 19, died 2005
- Kathleen Gilbert, 29, died 1985
- Christina Goesswein, 19, died 1990
- Gaylene Golden, 21, died 1985
- Maria Gomez, 39, died 1976
- Edrica Goode, 21, died 2007
- Shary Graham, 34, died 1982
- Doris Grant, 32, died 1971
- Debra Gray, 34, died 1989
- Laura Grunas, 30, died 2006
- Carolina Gutierrez, 21, died 1996
- Angela Hall, 27, died 1991
- Sharon Hamplton, 27, died 1996
- Arneta Hardaway, 18, died 1985
- Gracalynn "Tammy" Harris, 19, died 1997
- Wilma Harris, 17, died 1974
- L'Echelle Head, 21, died 2000
- Sheila Hebert, 27, died 1984
- Donna Heim, 20, died 1986
- Lou Ann Herron, 33, died 1998
- Moris Helen Herron, 26, died 1983
- Rhonda Hess, 20, died 1982
- Betty Hines, 21, died 1971
- Shirley Hollis, 30, died 1991
- Denise Holmes, 24, died 1970
- Barbara Hoppert, 16, died 1983
- Mary Ives, 28, died 1983
- Karretu Jabbie, 24, died 1989
- Louchrisser Jackson, 23, died 1977
- Sandra Kaiser, 14, died 1984
- Patricia King, 24, died 1987
- Giselene Lafontant, 25, died 1993
- Minnie Lathan, 41, died 1978
- Barbara Lerner, 30, died 1981
- Susan Levy, 30, died 1992
- Cora Lewis, 23, died 1992
- Sara Lint, 22, died 1970
- Maria Lira, 19, ded 1974
- Suzanne Logan, 34, died 1992
- Diana Lopez, 25, died 2002
- Linda Lovelace, 21, died 1980
- Elva Lozada, died 1964
- Deborah Lozinski, 17, died 1985
- Dawn Mack, 21, died 1991
- Michelle Madden, 18, died 1986
- Sharon Margrove, 25, died 1970
- Haley Mason, 22, died 2001
- Gail Mazo, 27, died 1979
- Sophie McCoy, 17, died 1990
- Rita McDowell, 16, died 1975
- Myria McFadden, 28, died 1987
- Evangeline McKenna, 38, died 1974
- Kathy McKnight, 36, died 1993
- Kendra McLeod, 22, died 1998
- Lynn McNair, 24, died 1979
- Dawn Mendoza, 28, died 1988
- Yvonne Mesteth, 18, died 1985
- Natalie Meyers, 16, died 1972
- Sandra Milton, 23, died 1990
- Mitsue Mohar, 31, died 1975
- Ruth Montero, 23, died 1979
- Denise Montoya, 15, died 1988
- Beverly Moore, 15, died 1975
- Sylvia Moore, 18, died 1986
- Christine Mora, 18, died 1994
- Maura Morales, 25, died 1981
- Shelby Moran, 60, died 1999
- Katherine Morse, 20, died 1970
- Kelly Morse, 32, died 1992
- Loretta Morton, 16, died 1984
- Kathy Murphy, 17, died 1973
- Dorothy Muzorewa, 25, died 1974
- Guadalupe Negron, 33, died 1993
- Kimberly Neil, died 2000
- Germaine Newman, 14, died 1984
- Sara Niebel, 15, died 1994
- Maria Ortega, 23, died 1970
- Joyce Ortenzio, 32, died 1988
- Venus Ortiz, 29, died 1998
- Linda Padfield, 28, died 1973
- Mary Ann Page, 36, died 1977
- Mary Paredez, 26, died 1977
- Holly Patterson, 18, died 2003
- Shirley Payne, 33, died 1983
- Mary Pena, 43, died 1984
- DaNette Pergusson, 19, died 1992
- Erika Peterson, 28, died 1961
- Katherine Pierce, 27, died 1989
- Katrina Poole, 16, died 1988
- Yvette Poteat, 26, died 1985
- Vanessa Preston, 22, died 1980
- Dawn Ravenell, 13, died 1985
- Jacqueline Reynolds, 22, died 1986
- Erica Richardson, 16, died 1989
- Luz Rodriguez, 40, died 1986
- Magdalena Rodriguez, 23, died 1994
- Rosael Rodriguez, 21, died 1986
- Adelle Roe, age 26, died 2002
- Amanda Roe, 19, died 1970
- Alice Roe, 31, died 1970
- Amy Roe, 35, died 1971
- Annie Roe, 29, died 1971
- Andrea Roe, 26, died 1971
- Anita Roe, 23, died 1971
- April Roe, 17, died 1971
- Audrey Roe, 44, died 1971
- Barbara Roe, 35, died 1971
- Becky Roe, 18, died 1971
- Beth Roe, 35, died 1971
- Betty Roe, 29, died 1974
- Beverly Roe, 21, died 1978
- Brenda Roe, 31, died 1974
- Cherish Roe, died 2005
- Christi Roe, 29, died 1972
- Cindy Roe, 25, died 1972
- Colleen Roe, 31, died 1972
- Connie Roe, 31, died 1972
- Danielle Roe, 18, died 1972
- Dawn Roe, 29, died 1972
- Denise Roe, 27, died 1977
- Donna Roe, 18, died 1973
- Dorothy Roe, 44, died 1973
- Eleanor Roe, 20, died 1973
- Ellen Roe #1, 22, died 1974
- Ellen Roe #2, 18, died 1983
- Erica Roe, 20, died 1974
- Faith Roe, 21, died 1974
- Faye Roe, 18, died 1979
- Gail Roe, 23, died 1975
- Gloria Roe, 35, died 1976
- Isabel Roe, died 1981
- Judy Roe, 42, died 1970
- Julie Roe, 14, died 1972
- Kimberly Roe, 25, died 1970
- Lori Roe, 17, died 1970
- Malorie Roe, 35, died 1974
- Mary Roe, 19, died 1971
- Melissa Roe, 27, died 1992
- Molly Roe, 21, died 1975
- Monica Roe, 31, died 1971
- Nadine Roe, 32, died 1978
- Nancy Roe, 16, died 1972
- Pamela Roe, 38, died 1974
- Patricia Roe, 16, died 1975
- Robin Roe, 21, died 1972
- Roseanne Roe, 37, died 1971
- Roxanne Roe, 17, died 1972
- Sandra Roe, 18, died 1971
- Sara Roe, 22, died 1972
- Serena Roe, 22, died 1980
- Sherri Roe, 20, died 1975
- Sheryl Roe, 23, died 1970
- Susan Roe, 21, died 1992
- Tammy Roe, 33, died 1971
- Tara Roe, died 2005
- Teresa Roe, 19, died 1974
- Terri Roe, 43, died 1991
- Vanessa Roe, 35, died 1973
- Vicki Roe, 23, died 1971
- Wanda Roe, died 2006
- Wendy Roe, 23, died 1972
- Yvonne Roe, 19, died 1999
- Julia Rogers, 20, died 1973
- Rhonda Rollinson, 32, died 1992
- Allegra Roseberry, 41, died 1988
- Sharonda Rowe, 17, died 1981
- Rhonda Ruggiero, 29, died 1982
- Stacy Ruckman, 23, died 1988
- LaSandra Russ, 20, died 1971
- Tamia Russell, 15, doed 2004
- F.S., 16, died 1970
- Stella Saenz, 42, died 1968
- Angela Sanchez, 27, died 1993
- Angela Satterfield, 23, died 1990
- Carole Schaner, 37, died 1971
- Angela Scott, 19, died 1979
- Oriene Shevin, 34, died 2005
- Gloria Small, 43, died 1978
- Deloris Smith, 15, died 1979
- Diane Smith, 23, died 1976
- Laura Hope Smith, 22, died 2007
- Margaret Smith, 24, died 1971
- Teresa Smith, 31, died 1988
- Laura Sorrels, 30, died 1988
- Kathryn Strong, 26, died 1972
- Jennifer Suddeth, 17, died 1982
- Tami Suematsu, 19, died 1988
- Yvonne Tanner, 22, died 1984
- Michelle Thames, 18, died 1987
- Ingrid Thomas, 28, died 1994
- Magnolia Thomas, 36, died 1986
- Hoa Thuy "Vivian" Tran, 22, died 2003
- Elizabeth Tsuji, 21, died 1978
- Cheryl Tubbs, 29, died 1975
- Iris Valazquez, 20, died 1987
- Cycloria Vangates, 32, died 1976
- Veal, Latachie, 17, died 1991
- Brenda Vise, 38, died 2002
- Cheryl Vosseler, 17, died 1969
- Gail Vroman, 20, died 1979
- Pamela Wainwright, 37, died 1987
- Lynette Wallace, 22, died 1975
- Debra Walton, 35, died 1989
- Nicey Washington, 26, died 2000
- Sheila Watley, 31, died 1987
- Diane Watson, 27, died 1987
- Ingar Weber, 28, died 1991
- Robin Wells, 27, died 1981
- Chivon Williams, died 1996
- Ellen Williams, 38, died 1985
- Nichole Williams, 22, died 1997
- Sandra Williams, 30, died 1984
- Shirley Williams, 30, died 1980
- Tanya Williamson, 28, died 1996
- Carole Wingo, 22, died 1974
- Virginia Wolfe, 33, died 1998
- Darlene Wood, 23, died 1982
- Gail Wright, 29, died 1986
- Stacy Zallie, 20, died 2002
For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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Why don't you post a list of all of the women who've died during pregnancy or childbirth, cunt? That list would look like an encyclopedia compared to this one.
I was gonna nuke you for being rude, but I think I'll leave you up as an example of the kinds of paragons of courtesy and compassion who think it's okay for quacks to kill women the way Mosche Hachamovitch and his staff killed five patients who trusted them because folks like you TOLD THEM that abortionists can be trusted.
Why don't you go tell Jammie Garcia's mom how LUCKY she is that Jammie died from a nice legal abortion?
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