The Centers for Disease Control deigned to count the following abortion deaths in their most recent Abortion Surveillance Summary, for 2004:

Today I'll look at deaths in 1988. The CDC counts 16 legal and 0 illegal.
I have 14:
Demetrice Andrews died of multiple organ failure.
"Kelly" B was charted as "pink, responsive, alert" though she was in full cardio-respiratory arrest.
Junette Barnes bled to death.
Teresa Causey's last words were, "Oh, Mama, Mama, it hurts so much!"
Erna Fisher choked to death on her own vomit on the abortion table.
Dawn Mendoza started screaming and gasping for breath during her abortion.
Denise Montoya was 25 weeks pregnant when Douglas Karpen performed an outpatient abortion on her.
Joyce Ortenzio died of septic shock.
Katrina Poole died of post-abortion hemorrhage.
Allegra Roseberry consented to her abortion after being lied to about her baby's condition and the criteria to get into a cancer treatment program.
Stacy Ruckman was deliberately overdosed on Lidocaine.
Teresa Smith died of an embolism.
Laura Sorrels was found dead in a motel room, her 1-year-old daughter by her side.
Tami Suematsu went into respiratory failure.
That means that there are at least two safe, legal abortion deaths in 1988 that I don't know about.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

For more abortion deaths broken down by year, see this post.
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