A friend of mine posted one of these on a forum, and I've been looking into this. Here are a few more:

Here's Lysol douche ad, 1948, at the Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health.
Here's Lysol Douche Ad at the Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health, from 1928.
Here is another page with interesting comments.
This might explain a lot of the "Lysol abortions". Maybe the women had read these ads and just thought they were doing personal hygiene. Or, at the very least, the ads might have convinced them that douching with Lysol was perfectly safe.
Before everyone jumps on the whole abortion is wrong band wagon, also remember that these so called "choice abortion lobby" people are the same people who stood up and fought against the subliminal message behind the ads: Women are second class citizens and must always appear subordinate and "clean" to the man. Not to mention that women are filthy creatures who need to be told how to be decent.
It's pro-choice people that fight for woman's rights. To deny those rights are unjust and anyone who supports the pro-life movement (to the point of creating irrelevant connections to propaganda of an ignorant and close-minded society) does not respect the right of women to be free and equal human beings.
If women truly are free and EQUAL they don't need to kill their offspring to cope with life.
Or are you arguing that men who feel stressed by fatherhood ought to be able to kill their way out of those situations?
actually, anyone with a college degree or who has even opened a Biology textbook in their life knows that a "baby" is nothing until like the third month when the organs develop. It doesn't even have a heart or a brain until then. In the first weeks, it is nothing but a mass of cells (much like a cancer tumor).It is not a human life until it takes on the natural abilities and form of a human. Therefore, it is perfectly just for a woman to do as she pleases with the zygote and early fetus. Why should society tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Any pro-lifer has absolutely no right to take another person's rights away. The constitution prohibits that. I think that all pro-lifers should have increased taxes from their pay to give to the "unaborted" children living in foster homes, shelters, and juvenile centers. In addition, they must all pay for the psychological treatment for their mistreatment.
Also, in the words of Bob Dylan, "Don't criticize what you can't understand."
Life, go to any embryology web site -- say, The Visible Embryo -- and see for yourself.
At 8 weeks the unborn passes from "embryo" to "fetus" because EVERY STRUCTURE IS IN PLACE. Heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, tooth buds, ovaries or testes, intestines, bones, etc. Four weeks in a lunar month, so 8 weeks = 2 months. Two is less than three.
And even before all the structures are in place, the embryo is hardly a mass of cells like a tumor. It is very structured and organized. At six weeks after ovulation (four weeks after conception):
Brain is well marked by its cerebral hemispheres. The hindbrain, which is responsible for heart regulation, breathing and muscle movements, begins to develop. .... Primary cardiac tube separates into aortic and pulmonary channels and the ventricular pouches deepen and enlarge, forming a common wall with their myocardial shells. .... The mesentery, which attaches the intestines to the rear abdominal wall, holds them in position and supplies them with blood, nerves and lymphatics, is now clearly defined. Ureter, the tube that will convey urine from the kidney to the bladder, continues to lengthen. .... Hand region of upper limb bud differentiates further to form a central carpal part and a digital plate. The thigh (rostrolateral part), leg (the caudomedial part) and foot areas can be distinguished in the lower limb buds.Show me a tumor with a brain, kidneys, intestines, and arms.
YOU are the one criticizing what you don't understand.
and who makes the website hun? It's all called propaganda hun. I feel sorry for anyone that actually buys into that garbage. I have a Biology textbook that proves otherwise and a college degree that says I actually know what I am talking about.
Problem is sometimes so called "Christians" cannot see straight and will act very un-christ like because they are hypocrites who cannot stop judging others. I actually have studied in Biology and 98% of the websites on the internet are extremely misleading. It's called actually going to college and learning the facts for yourself. Thank God we have a man like Barack Obama in office who actually understands the fight for women's rights and wants to put an end to the mockery of the female mind that takes place in cyber space.
It's women like you and Sarah Palin that ruin everything that we have fought for. Women like you want to turn the clocks back and strip people of their freedom to choose what they want to do with THEIR body. Women like you RUIN the foundation this country stands on and that is freedom. Women like YOU bomb abortion clinics and prevent women from seeking the care they need from Planned Parenthood.
What business is it of yours to stand in another woman's way of protecting her future. It's not your womb. It's not your body. It's not your soon to be developed baby. It has nothing to do with you. So pro-lifers need to understand it is not their place to interfere with other people's freedoms. If you seriously don't like the fact that we have the freedom to choose what grows in our wombs then feel free to leave the country and move to Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, or Afghanistan where women have no say in anything. I'm sure you will get to see a lot of forced pregnancies and slum living because the population cannot be kept down. Go ahead and then come back to the land of freedom and tell the rest of us intelligent women what you have found. Then we can all pitch in and educate you about the world and the ability of people to control their own lives. Don't preach what you can't teach.
Also, the biggest message I wanted to convey to you is that you clearly have no understanding of the ads you posted. You really should not post things and make conclusions from them that are completely irrelevant and make no sense. It just shows me that you really are not that intelligent and actually pretty ignorant. It also provides for entertainment in a group of well educated women. Just so you know.
"I like your Christ but I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." -Gandhi
You must have gotten your college degree from an online diploma mill or something if you're so utterly clueless about basic biology.
Why do you choose ignorance? How many abortions have you had that you're trying not to feel bad about?
actually your the one clueless about biology. Go and read the disclaimer on all those websites. It's called attending one of the best schools in Chicago. It sounds like I am the only one who went to school. Tell me Christian lady, what is so ignorant about controlling my own body? Why do you choose controlling other people's lives and taking away their personal freedoms? Let me guess..you were a fan of George W Bush...
I've never had an abortion, it's called birth control but I'm sure your against that too..I can't believe we have the same problems in 2009 that we had way back when. It's pathetic. I see people like you and realize that we have made absolutely no progress in this nation.
Maybe you should check out this website from the University of Pennsylvania's medical website. Hmm, looks like a baby at 8 weeks, not a blob. Oh, yeah, they must be pro-life too. Not.
You pro-lifers can believe whatever you want to believe and continue your little pathetic fight against women's rights and sit there and let your husbands beat you and force you to have 18 children. GO ahead and have fun. While the rest of us actually enjoy the freedom we have been granted at birth and our liberation and make a name for ourselves. We will enjoy not having to submit ourselves to a man and enjoy not having to devote our precious time and money to causes not deserving. I'd rather have the $750,000 condo we can get in San Francisco and my boyfriend who supports me in any way I want. We believe in progress and change. While you and your Palin wanna-bees sit there and grieve for your loser lives in Stepford. I live in the 21st century and I hope you are enjoying the 19th century living. Thank God Obama won the election. This nation would be a disaster if McCain and that wench won the election. By the way, the majority of pro-lifers judge a cause that does not affect them and judging is a sin. So apparently if believing in abortion is so wrong, I will see you when we all burn in hell. BTW..aborted babies provide stem-cell research to cure diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer and serve a great need to the community. I am glad women have abortions because then we would not be as far along in science as we are. Too bad we can't refuse any medical treatment to pro-lifers. It's what you people deserve.
btw..I have studied with the Washington Center and George Washington University with people such as Ted Koppel, Sam Donaldson, Mike McCurry, Steve Bell, and many others. In addition to working in grassroots organizations for women's rights and working to support Hillary Clinton who believes in raising the glass ceiling. She is a very nice woman in person, believe me. I have done work in Springfield and am in process of getting ready to get my masters at Berkeley. I seriously think I know what I am talking about. Hope everyone has a wonderful life and I hope you enjoy being barefoot and pregnant. I'm just glad you can't force the rest of us to be that way. We have brains and power. FEMALE POWER!
Can you name one treatment that has been successful due to stem cells gotten from an abortion?
alzheimer's research. It's helping save my grandfather's life. It is used for cancer research, also helped save my grandfather's life. I owe a lot to stem-cell research actually. Stem-Cell research is one of the best ways to help cure horrible debilitating diseases. My father has Parkinson's and I might as well and I feel a lot better knowing that there is hope that I probably won't have to suffer. Advancements in Parkinson's Research is also done with the aid of stem-cells.
ADULT and CORD BLOOD stem cell research, yes. My sister's cancer is in remission, thanks to use of her own stem cells. But EMBRYONIC stem cells have left us nothing but tremors, tumors, and dead lab rats. How that can help your father escapes me. I'd far rather see him cured than left in even worse condition that he's already in. Call me hateful for that, but so be it.
@Life is Calling Me~
I consider myself "pro-choice," and I have to wonder if you are a plant by a pro-lifer to make pro-choicers look like complete lunatics. Granny is absolutely correct about what she said about the 8-week fetus. Human development (or any animal development in utero) is an incredibly amazing organized process. An embryo is only a bundle of cells for a few days until they quickly differentiate into different layers that further differentiate form the placenta and parts of the fetus. It is such an elegant process!
Most pro-choicers do not see abortion as a frivolous means of "freedom," like you seem to. But a woman's choice to have an abortion and her unique situation is none of my business and not for me, or anyone, to judge. I am in favor of it being a safe and legal option, but is not something to be taken lightly.
@Life goes kaput
K Black said...
Yeah but,but,but, (in a past life) I studied with Sam Donaldson, and Ted Koppel, and Mike McCurry and bo bo the clown @ blah blah U. pfft what a pathetic excuse-clearly from a bad egg- 'Somebody' should be feeling lucky their breathing at all because their own momma had some accountability and didn't decide she had 'other' immediate plans a bit more important.
Try this: go break your arm patting your senseless self on the back somewhere else. Life is calling.
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