Searches: Parsley and pennyroyal, perforated bowel, and more
parsley tea safe pregnant. No. In fact, it's used by some women as an abortifacient.
abortion tea pennyroyal recipe. You'll not get it from me. First of all, I'm not going to help anybody kill their fetus. Second of all, I'm not going to help anybody end up like Kris Humphrey and Penny Roe.
Perforated bowel. A National Abortion Federation abortionist describes his "cross your fingers" method for dealing with bowel perforations. Then there was this case in Michigan, involving an illegal 28-week abortion performed by Dr. Jose Gilberto Higuera. Steve Brigham perforated a woman's bowel during an abortion performed in his New York office. Marcia L. suffered a perforated bowel during an abortion performed by Phillip Rand. Fatal, during an abortion: Moris Helen Herron and Sharon Hamptlon in California, Ellen Williams in Florida, Julie Roe in New York, Sharon Davis in New Mexico, and Jammie Garcia in Texas, off the top of my head.
Failed abortion. There's another term for that. It's The Dreaded Complication, aka a live baby.
Anencephaly pictures. Go to Be Not Afraid, read the stories, and see the pictures.
Anesthesia deaths. During abortions.
Aborting a 20-week fetus Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
Cherise Mosley Hughes is the young Texas woman who sued a National Abortion Federation member abortion clinic for taking her fake I.D. as legit and thus performing an abortion on her in violation of parental consent laws. The abortionist, by the way, was none other than Douglas Karpen, who has a pretty spotty history with teenage patients, including the death of 15-year-old Denise Montoya a 16-year-old girl put through the ordeal of watching her baby die of prematurity after his refusal to remove laminaria and help her continue her pregnancy after she had changed her mind about aborting.

George Kabacy is the Planned Parenthood abortionist who pleaded guilty to possession of over 8,000 pornographic images of children, including shots that involved bondage or bestiality.
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